
Design is everywhere. It's in the clothes we wear, the buildings we inhabit, the tattoos we choose, and even the cakes we savor. It's an expression, a reflection, a statement. The "Design" section is a curated space that celebrates this omnipresent art form, showcasing the myriad ways in which design touches our lives and shapes our experiences.

At its core, design is about storytelling. It's about conveying a message, evoking an emotion, or making a statement. Take fashion, for instance. The red carpet, traditionally a space of elegance and formality, has witnessed a transformation over the years. Celebrities now put on avant-garde outfits, challenging conventions and redefining glamor. These fashion choices are more than just clothes; they're narratives of individuality, rebellion, and evolution.

Then there's the world of tattoos, a realm where art meets identity. 3D tattoos, with their intricate shading and impeccable perspective, are masterpieces that defy reality. They're not just ink on skin; they're stories etched in permanence, declarations of passions, memories, and beliefs. Similarly, heart-driven tattoos serve as timeless reminders of cherished moments, immortalizing emotions and milestones.

But design isn't just about personal expression; it's also about functionality and innovation. The architectural marvels we see around us are testaments to this. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, they're embodiments of utility, safety, and vision. They reflect the evolving ethos of societies, the changing tastes of communities, and the forward march of civilization.

In the culinary world, design takes on a delightful, delectable form. Edible art pieces challenge the boundaries between taste and visual appeal, proving that design can be as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the palate. These creations are a testament to the limitless potential of human creativity, where even the most everyday items can be transformed into awe-inspiring masterpieces.

Yet, design is not always about grandeur or complexity. Sometimes, the most profound impacts come from the simplest ideas. Innovations that enhance convenience, products that merge beauty with utility, or concepts that challenge the status quo – these are the gems that redefine our understanding of design. They remind us that design is not just about aesthetics; it's about improving lives, solving problems, and pushing boundaries.

However, like any art form, design has its quirks. There are instances where creativity takes a puzzling turn, leading to outcomes that bemuse, amuse, or leave us scratching our heads. These moments, while perplexing, add a dash of humor to the design landscape, reminding us that the journey of creation is as much about experimentation as it is about perfection.

In essence, the "Design" section is a celebration of this multifaceted world. It's a space where art meets function, where creativity meets purpose, and where vision meets reality. As you explore this section, let yourself be inspired by the boundless possibilities of design. Revel in the beauty, marvel at the innovation, and let your imagination soar.

In the end, design is more than just an art form; it's a lens through which we view the world. It shapes our experiences, colors our perceptions, and enriches our lives in countless ways. So, dive into this world of design, and let the stories, innovations, and creations inspire and enthrall you.

Recent Stories of Design

19 Things From Designers Who Threw Logic Out the Window and Made Us Yell “What on Earth?”

19 Things From Designers Who Threw Logic Out the Window and Made Us Yell “What on Earth?”
7 months ago

In the world of peculiar and bizarre designs, it’s as if creativity took a detour through the land of “Why not?” instead of following the conventional highway of sensibility. These designs might make you scratch your head or burst into laughter, but one thing’s for sure: they prove that in the world of creativity, there’s always room for a quirky plot twist.

We Unveiled the Mysterious Functions of These 12 Items from Our Everyday Life

We Unveiled the Mysterious Functions of These 12 Items from Our Everyday Life
7 months ago

In the midst of our daily routines, there are ordinary objects we interact with that harbor enigmatic purposes we might never have realized. A hole in a milk jug, the additional button on a shirt or small pockets on clothes appear to have a specific purpose. These concealed functionalities in the mundane remind us that there’s often more than meets the eye, intriguing secrets woven into the fabric of the everyday.

With the Example of 17 Popular Brands, We Found Out How to Tell an Original Product From a Fake

With the Example of 17 Popular Brands, We Found Out How to Tell an Original Product From a Fake
8 months ago

Many well-known brands are often replicated. In addition to causing financial and reputational damage to businesses, this also has a negative impact on consumers. Low quality items made from cheap materials quickly fall into disrepair and can potentially have a negative effect on people’s well-being. We found out what little things you should pay attention to when buying such products.

17 Tattoos That Even Opponents of This Art Would Appreciate

17 Tattoos That Even Opponents of This Art Would Appreciate
8 months ago

Tattoos, these inked narratives, can be intricate tapestries of personal history, revealing chapters of one’s journey etched onto the skin. Each symbol, every line, resonates with a story that might be whispered or boldly proclaimed.

10+ Avant-Garde Outfits That Redefined Red Carpet Glamour

10+ Avant-Garde Outfits That Redefined Red Carpet Glamour
11 months ago

Traditionally, the dress code for the red carpet is highly regulated, with men required to wear black tuxedos and women expected to don elegant ball gowns. However, over the years, the rules have become less strict, with celebrities opting for more casual and sometimes unconventional outfits. Today, it’s not uncommon to see celebrities showing up in T-shirts, sneakers, and even Crocs, challenging the traditional expectations of what it means to dress for the occasion.

8 Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know

8 Tips Every Homeowner Needs to Know
6 months ago

When designing or renovating a living space, purchasing new furniture can be exciting. However, many people struggle with arranging their furniture in a way that creates a cozy atmosphere. Instead, they are left with a cold, awkward living area that doesn’t feel quite right. Creating a welcoming home requires more than just selecting the right pieces of furniture; it also involves strategic placement to maximize the functionality and aesthetic of the space.

We Imagined What These 13 Disney Characters Would Look Like If They Were Real People

We Imagined What These 13 Disney Characters Would Look Like If They Were Real People
year ago

Disney movies are known for their ability to evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility, no matter your age. While primarily aimed at children, they can be just as entertaining for adults. Both animated and live-action adaptations have a remarkable ability to bring imaginary characters to life and weave epic plots throughout the narrative. And we think it would be amazing to imagine what some of our favorite characters would look like as real people.

16 Humorous Comics That Show What Motherhood Is Really Like

16 Humorous Comics That Show What Motherhood Is Really Like
year ago

A quote says “Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.” A mother never stops being that, not when she is sleeping and not when she is on holiday. She is always there physically, emotionally and mentally. And while things can be very hard at times, there is always the funny side of things.

15 Times Tattoo Artists Turned Scars Into Pieces of Art

15 Times Tattoo Artists Turned Scars Into Pieces of Art
year ago

Tattoos aren’t only cool and beautiful to look at, but they are also a way to cover up scars that remind people of unpleasant things. You never get to forget these moments, but you don’t need to look at them every single day. That’s why some artists become experts in scar tattoos and we can’t be more grateful to them for their masterful work.

19 Creative People Who Made Their Homes Look Professionally Decorated

19 Creative People Who Made Their Homes Look Professionally Decorated
year ago

There’s nothing more beautiful than returning to your home and feeling comfortable and at ease to enjoy some time to rest. However, if your decor could be better, you may want to leave as soon as you arrive. That’s why some people take home remodeling into their own hands and get to work to create the perfect home.

10 Interior Design Mistakes That Can Easily Be Solved With Small Tricks

10 Interior Design Mistakes That Can Easily Be Solved With Small Tricks
year ago

Some people are so obsessed with Feng Shui that whenever they set foot inside a room they can sense what goes against its rules. One massive mistake for example is placing greenery inside your bedroom. This tactic though, couldn’t be more right about the rest of your house that surely needs all the green illumination it can have. This and other small design tricks can fully transform the image of your interiors.

A Retired Carpenter From New Zealand Transforms Furniture Into Fairy-Tale Masterpieces

A Retired Carpenter From New Zealand Transforms Furniture Into Fairy-Tale Masterpieces
year ago

Henk is a 70-year-old man who seems to have a magic touch. With his hands, he makes unique furniture that could be part of the set of any fantasy movie. If you browse through his creations too quickly, it looks like his pieces are flawed, but in reality, they are top-notch and are ready to adorn any home that wants to stand out from the rest.

Trending stories of Design

15 People Who Used Tattoos to Turn Their Scars and Birthmarks into Art

15 People Who Used Tattoos to Turn Their Scars and Birthmarks into Art
year ago

Some people get tattoos and then regret doing it. In fact, according to one survey, 78% of respondents regretted getting one. However, today’s heroes shouldn’t worry about that. They turned their scars and birthmarks into art pieces right on their bodies, and it seems that it’s difficult to start regretting such a decision. Let’s have a look at the results.

15+ Designs That Are too Good Not to Share

15+ Designs That Are too Good Not to Share
year ago

A bulldog statue whose eyes could haunt your dreams; puzzle pieces that don’t actually fit together — this happens when designers have a bad day at the office. All it takes is one detail to be off, and, suddenly, we’re left with objects that make us facepalm. Fortunately, some people turn to their sense of humor when exposing these issues.

15 Marvelous 3D Tattoos That Look Unreal

15 Marvelous 3D Tattoos That Look Unreal
year ago

3D tattoos have to be some of the most difficult designs for any artist to successfully do. That’s because not everyone understands the two most important elements of them: perspective and shading. That’s why we did our research and found 15 absolutely stunning pieces that look otherworldly.

15+ Spicy Dresses That Sparked Outrage and Became Legends

15+ Spicy Dresses That Sparked Outrage and Became Legends
month ago

Fashion is a powerful tool for self-expression, but it can also be a catalyst for social commentary. Throughout history, celebrities have used red carpet appearances to push boundaries and challenge societal norms. This list explores 15 unforgettable dresses that sparked outrage for their bold designs, but ultimately secured their place in fashion history.

12 Racy Celebrity Outfits That Had Us Saying «Wow!»

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month ago

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20+ Tattoos That Push the Boundaries of Body Art

20+ Tattoos That Push the Boundaries of Body Art
3 months ago

Inkslingers, step aside! Forget flipping through generic catalogs in search of inspiration. These days, the best designs come etched not on paper, but in the hearts of those seeking body art. This article showcases a captivating collection of tattoos that tell powerful stories about their wearers. While some may flaunt their ink with casual indifference, these dermal narratives reveal far more than meets the eye. We celebrate these expressions of personal artistry, presenting 24 unique and meaningful pieces, each imbued with a profound tale waiting to be unearthed.

17 Men Who Celebrated Life by Creating Their Own Unique Spaces

17 Men Who Celebrated Life by Creating Their Own Unique Spaces
4 months ago

Finding the perfect place isn’t really a realistic thing to ask for, since most of the time we have to put in work in order to make something ideal. The space itself might be great, but if you are able to look behind the empty spaces and try to decorate based on your needs, you will see that even an ugly-looking room might be turned into a fantastic place. This is what these 17 men did and now can’t get enough of their personal spaces.

These Friends Created the #Stylenotsize Trend, Showing How the Same Outfit Looks on Different Figures. It’s Amazing!

These Friends Created the #Stylenotsize Trend, Showing How the Same Outfit Looks on Different Figures. It’s Amazing!
5 months ago

These two friends, Denise Mercedes Marte and Maria Castellanos, have become overnight social media stars. The women make videos in which they dress up in identical outfits. This is despite the fact that their characters are radically different. Why do they do this? To promote body positivity. “We shouldn’t be confined to what society tells us is the correct thing to wear for specific sizes,” says Castellanos.Girlfriends created the #stylenotsize trend, inspiring millions to stop feeling self-conscious about their bodies. It became so popular that Vogue magazine even wrote about the ladies. So what’s so special about their content? Let’s take a look together.

15+ Priceless Desktop Backgrounds That Are Hilariously Genius

15+ Priceless Desktop Backgrounds That Are Hilariously Genius
6 months ago

The quest for the perfect desktop background is a canvas of creativity in the digital age. Like a virtual art gallery, it’s a space where individuality and imagination converge. And there are the unexpected gems — a candid snapshot, a whimsical illustration — that spark joy in the routine.

Best of the Week of Design

9 Secrets From Chinese Homes That Makes Them So Unique

9 Secrets From Chinese Homes That Makes Them So Unique
year ago

When looking for a new home, people often focus on ever single detail to make sure that whatever place they’ll rent or buy is perfect. If there’s enough sunlight in the morning, if the kitchen is large enough to prepare good snacks or invite your mother-in-law for dinner... However, in China, things are a bit different.

Monthly Top Picks of Design

18 Hidden Uses of Everyday Objects to Take Advantage Of

18 Hidden Uses of Everyday Objects to Take Advantage Of
2 years ago

We usually think we know the uses of the things around us, but some of them are not as obvious as we think. You probably only use the spaghetti spoon to scoop up the pasta when you could also use the hole in the middle to measure your portions, or maybe you didn’t know a stapler has two different types of stapling.

20+ Designs That Were So Bad That They Actually Gave Us a Good Laugh

20+ Designs That Were So Bad That They Actually Gave Us a Good Laugh
year ago

Indeed, it is not easy to create a successful design. But sometimes it is even harder to come up with a design so bad that it exceeds any definition of failure and becomes outright absurd. And while a terribly designed object is pretty much useless, sometimes we find it hard to get rid of it. Because we’d rather preciously preserve it as a curious decorative item reminding us that life can sometimes be even more surreal than a movie.

18 Questionable Designs That Won’t Win Any Awards

18 Questionable Designs That Won’t Win Any Awards
2 years ago

A famous quote says that “Drama starts where logic ends.” And that’s exactly right when you look at really bad designs that don’t make any sense. For example, if someone buys a house and they find a radiator inside the shower, they will definitely create some drama and ask for an explanation.

19 Objects Designed by Geniuses Who Let Their Creativity Flow

19 Objects Designed by Geniuses Who Let Their Creativity Flow
year ago

Creativity seems to flow through the veins of some people who are capable of innovations that improve our daily lives. Tables that look like birds or seats in the shape of giant open books are not only clever inventions, they also take the decoration game to another level.

20+ Designers Who Gave an Inventive Twist to Everyday Objects

20+ Designers Who Gave an Inventive Twist to Everyday Objects
year ago

There are thousands of objects that we rely on every day and that we are accustomed to use in a certain way. However, some designers dare to go out of the ordinary and thanks to their creativity they manage to turn them into something more beautiful, more functional, and more simple at the same time.