
The "Fun" category is a delightful corner of the internet where the unexpected meets the relatable. Here, we celebrate the quirky, the whimsical, and the downright hilarious moments that life throws our way. Whether it's the unconventional parenting methods that dads bring to the table, the ingenious ideas that some people execute with unparalleled perfection, or the rollercoaster of emotions that come with online shopping expectations versus reality, this section is all about embracing the lighter side of life.

Imagine a world where dads redefine parenting, not with stern lectures or age-old wisdom, but with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of mischief. Their antics remind us that while life is filled with responsibilities, there's always room for a good laugh.

But the "Fun" category isn't just about hilarious dads. It's also a showcase of human creativity at its finest. Some people have an innate ability to see the world from a different perspective. They spot opportunities where others see obstacles. They find solutions to problems that most of us wouldn't even recognize. These individuals take their unique ideas and execute them with such precision and flair that they leave the rest of us in awe. Whether it's a piece of art, a DIY project, or a novel invention, their creations are a testament to the limitless potential of the human mind.

And then, there's the rollercoaster world of online shopping. We've all been there: scrolling through pages of products, finding that perfect item, and clicking the 'buy now' button with anticipation. Days go by, and finally, the package arrives. But as we tear open the wrapping, we're met with a surprise. Sometimes it's a pleasant one, and other times, well, let's just say the product doesn't quite match the picture. These moments serve as a reminder that even in the digital age, where everything seems so perfect and curated, there's still room for error – and humor.

The beauty of the "Fun" category lies in its diversity. It's a melting pot of stories, images, and experiences that resonate with a wide audience. From the young to the old, there's something for everyone. It's a space where we can take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, let our guard down, and simply enjoy the moment.

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. But amidst the challenges and chaos, there are moments of pure joy, instances that make us smile, and events that leave us in stitches. The "Fun" category captures these moments, preserving them for posterity and sharing them with a global audience. It's a reminder that no matter how tough things get, there's always a silver lining, always a reason to smile.

So, whether you're having a rough day and need a pick-me-up, or you're simply in the mood for some light-hearted entertainment, the "Fun" category has got you covered. Dive deep into this world of wonder, and let the stories, images, and anecdotes transport you to a place where laughter reigns supreme, creativity knows no bounds, and fun is the order of the day. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. Embrace the fun, cherish the moments, and remember to always find joy in the little things.

Recent Stories of Fun

15+ People Who Prayed for Ordinary, But Got Extraordinary Instead

15+ People Who Prayed for Ordinary, But Got Extraordinary Instead
month ago

Some people seem to have more bad luck than others. They experience terrible inconveniences that make them want to crawl back into bed. However, these individuals have turned their misfortune into something positive by telling hilarious stories about their misadventures. That’s why we’re going to delve into the stories of those who started their day like everyone else. Only to end it with a story to tell.

15 Dating Stories That Will Make You Feel Relieved That It Wasn’t You in Them

15 Dating Stories That Will Make You Feel Relieved That It Wasn’t You in Them
2 months ago

Going on dates with different people can be quite repetitive and boring for some of us. You meet complete strangers who know nothing about you and have to start getting to know them and talking about yourself all over again. The outcome can either be pleasant, where you will meet your future partner, or negative, where you will never meet or talk again. And it seems like the latter happens very often in our time.

15+ Tweets Proving That Being a Parent Can Sometimes Be a Comedy Show

15+ Tweets Proving That Being a Parent Can Sometimes Be a Comedy Show
2 months ago

Parenting is a journey where not the destination, but the process itself matters the most. It might be hard at times (or very often), and might even feel like you’re losing your mind, but at the same time, parenting can be full of jokes and laughter, just like a comedy show. The tweets of today’s heroes prove it.

20 Doctors Share Hilarious Comments Said by Patients Under Anesthesia

20 Doctors Share Hilarious Comments Said by Patients Under Anesthesia
2 months ago

While unconscious, we can say and do anything. Really, anything. For this reason, it is not at all strange that, when under the effects of anesthesia, we say anything outrageous. Doctors, nurses, and even people who have had to use this drug know what we are talking about, since they have in their repertoire several crazy, incoherent, and even a little embarrassing anecdotes.

18 Pregnancy Stories That Will Make You Fall Off Your Seat

18 Pregnancy Stories That Will Make You Fall Off Your Seat
2 months ago

The experience of pregnancy can be different for each woman depending on various circumstances. For example, some women are surprised by how tired they feel all the time. Others have such an easy pregnancy that the time passes very fast and 9 months later they have their baby in their arms. However, there are certain experiences that all of them have in common and some of them can be hilarious.

18 Photos That Made Us Stop Believing Our Own Eyes

18 Photos That Made Us Stop Believing Our Own Eyes
2 months ago

Have you ever experienced moments when your eyes see one thing very clearly, but your brain understands that it’s impossible? We’re sure you have. It happened to us too. And our today’s heroes not only experienced such moments but also managed to capture them in photos. We bet you won’t immediately figure out what is depicted in the pictures.

17 Awkward Incidents That Quickly Became Amusing Stories

17 Awkward Incidents That Quickly Became Amusing Stories
2 months ago

People who can easily laugh off or recover from embarrassing situations are generally viewed as more likeable and sociable. Bouncing back from an awkward situation may be tricky for some, but just keep in mind that it happens to everyone, so try not to take things too seriously.

15 Times Family Life of Regular People Brought More Laughs Than Any Sitcom

15 Times Family Life of Regular People Brought More Laughs Than Any Sitcom
2 months ago

Being a parent is a great responsibility. But with great responsibility comes a lot of laughter, since kids are the never-ending source of fun. Other family members can contribute as well, making our lives very joyful. That’s why you can never get bored when your loved ones are always around.

15+ Tattoos That Will Make You Think Twice Before Inking

15+ Tattoos That Will Make You Think Twice Before Inking
3 months ago

The choice to get a tattoo is as diverse as the people making them. For some, it’s a lengthy, well-thought-out process, while for others, it’s a spur-of-the-moment, emotional decision. The majority of ink lovers in our compilation seem to lean towards the spontaneous end of the spectrum. Nonetheless, even those who carefully select their tattoos may find themselves with a controversial piece, as seen in the final picture.

Trending stories of Fun

10+ Things That Were Unacceptable in the Past, but Are Pretty Normal Now

10+ Things That Were Unacceptable in the Past, but Are Pretty Normal Now
10 months ago

We still follow certain stereotypes. For example, we think it’s a disaster to make a spot on a clean shirt, or that it’s bad to argue with senior people even if they’re wrong. We decided to look at different situations that were normal in the past, but are not that normal now.

10+ Unforgettable Stories From the Operating Room that Caught Doctors and Patients By Surprise

10+ Unforgettable Stories From the Operating Room that Caught Doctors and Patients By Surprise
9 months ago

The next time you find yourself preparing for a surgical procedure, rest assured that while the doctors will be focused on your health, there may be a lighthearted and comical moment or two that will leave you and the medical team with a shared laughter-filled memory to cherish.Because when the effects of anesthesia kick in, they can temporarily alter a person’s awareness, behavior, and inhibitions. As a result, amusing and lighthearted moments may unfold in the operating room.

15 Curious Stories That Prove the Truth Will Out No Matter What

15 Curious Stories That Prove the Truth Will Out No Matter What
year ago

Some guy was writing derogatory comments under my posts. He claimed in several answers to have a Ph.D., and he also named the university where he studied. The funniest thing is that I also studied at this university, and we graduated from it the same year, 1979. We even had the same field of study. But I never met him. The guy even posted his Ph.D. certificate. But something was wrong there, and it took me some time to figure out what exactly. The font! One of the fonts he used on his Ph.D. certificate from 1979 wasn’t designed until 1982. © Ian Williams / QuoraA year ago, I found out that my husband had 2 children from 2 other women while we were still married. He agreed with them to pay support money every month if they didn’t reveal that he was the father. Once, he delayed the payment, and one of them called me and told me everything. I met those women and their children — they were the spitting image of him. Our younger son was 5 at the time. Those women hadn’t known about me before they got pregnant. They are all nice women, we keep in touch, and our children have become friends. My ex-husband got married again, and his wife is pregnant now. So, it seems that a new member will join our club soon.

14 Stories That Prove You’ll Never Be Bored After Having Children

14 Stories That Prove You’ll Never Be Bored After Having Children
year ago

Sometimes a child’s way of thinking can’t be measured with the logic of adults because little kids don’t have the affirmations or stereotypes that we tend to obtain with age. They look at the world with their eyes open wide and believe that life is not limited by any rules or restrictions. This is why children’s behavior or words can really dumbfound us sometimes. In this article, we put together some stories about children who show off their openness and innocence in all its glory.

12+ Hilarious Tweets About the Post-Breakup Struggles We Can All Relate To

12+ Hilarious Tweets About the Post-Breakup Struggles We Can All Relate To
7 months ago

Breaking up can be a bit like trying to fold a fitted sheet — you start with good intentions, but it quickly turns into a tangled mess. And let’s not forget the post-breakup social media dance. You unfollow, they unfollow, you block, they block, and suddenly, you’re both doing the virtual cha-cha around each other’s profiles. In the end, breaking up may not be a laughing matter, but sometimes, a little humor is the best way to cope with the messiness of it all.

15 Stories About Christmas Parties That Prove Disasters Never Take Breaks

15 Stories About Christmas Parties That Prove Disasters Never Take Breaks
year ago

Around the globe, around 2.3 billion people celebrate Christmas, which is roughly under 1/3 of the population. One fun fact about this period of celebrations is that in Japan, over 3.6 million families eat fried chicken on Christmas Eve. While this tradition is very specific, something that is not as specific and a bit more global is that many people and companies have parties. Whether they are at work or home, these parties don’t always turn out great.

16 Objects Whose Purpose You Wouldn’t Guess Even in a Million Years

16 Objects Whose Purpose You Wouldn’t Guess Even in a Million Years
11 months ago

Occasionally, as we navigate through our daily routines, we encounter unfamiliar objects that perplex us with their enigmatic purpose. Yet, we are fortunate to have a vast community of knowledgeable internet users who eagerly offer the correct explanations and unveil the mysteries behind these intriguing phenomena.

15+ People Who Had Their Fair Share of Fiascos

15+ People Who Had Their Fair Share of Fiascos
2 years ago

No matter how much we try to be prepared or be careful in our everyday life, blunders are bound to happen. And instead of sulking about it, we can choose to learn from it or at least have a good laugh out of it. We can also do as these people did, which was to capture the funny mishap in a photo, and share the giggles online.

15 People Who Have to Deal With Their Loved Ones’ Weird Quirks Every Day

15 People Who Have to Deal With Their Loved Ones’ Weird Quirks Every Day
year ago

It just so happens that people who are nearest and dearest to us can have really weird or silly quirks we have to deal with on a daily basis. But as long as love lives in the house, these little things are probably not that important. Some Internet users decided to share their loved ones’ quirks with the entire world, and by looking at these photos, we don’t know whether we want to laugh or cry.

15 People Recall the Most Hilarious Thing a Doctor Ever Said to Them, and We Can’t Handle Our Laughter

15 People Recall the Most Hilarious Thing a Doctor Ever Said to Them, and We Can’t Handle Our Laughter
2 months ago

In the realm of medicine, where gravity and empathy usually dominate, there are occasions that spark unexpected laughter. We’ve compiled stories from 15 people who experienced not only medical counsel but also a generous sprinkle of humor. Buckle up and prepare for a voyage into the amusing domain of doctor-patient exchanges, where laughter resonates within the corridors of healing.

10+ Kids Whose Parents’ Nerves Are Stronger Than Steel

10+ Kids Whose Parents’ Nerves Are Stronger Than Steel
8 months ago

If you’re a parent, it means you have nerves of steel. After all, children are not only a source of joy and happiness, but also endless antics. Some little ones manage to scare parents in the middle of the night, others make parents laugh to tears. We’ve gathered stories from people about the quirkiest actions of their children.

Best of the Week of Fun

15 People Whose Lives Took Such a Remarkable Turn That Soap Opera Writers Would Applaud

15 People Whose Lives Took Such a Remarkable Turn That Soap Opera Writers Would Applaud
5 months ago

Each day, people take to the internet to share their tales, anticipating a resonance with those who’ve encountered comparable situations. This rings particularly true for narratives that unfold with endings wildly different from what was anticipated. Surprisingly, plot twists aren’t confined to the screens of our TVs or movie theaters. Real-life stories often unfold with twists and turns that are even more extraordinary than anything we might see in fiction.

11 Comics That Show What Sacrifices Women Make Daily for the Sake of Beauty

11 Comics That Show What Sacrifices Women Make Daily for the Sake of Beauty
year ago

Women have to get over various difficulties in order to stay beautiful every day. For example, they need to thoroughly choose nail polish colors or conduct numerous experiments with their brows until the right shape is found. Not to mention the quest they must go on to find the right hairdresser — this task is definitely an uphill battle.

20 Guests Who Should Never Be Invited by Anyone

20 Guests Who Should Never Be Invited by Anyone
year ago

Most of us tend to put our guests on a pedestal whenever they arrive at our place to keep them comfortable. On the other hand, some guests take this generosity for granted and make your day really difficult. For instance, eating the entire cake and not sparing anything for the host or leaving your bathroom filthy. Such moments never want us to host people in our homes anymore. We totally agreed when we found these stories below.

15 People Whose Sense of Style Is Highly Questionable

15 People Whose Sense of Style Is Highly Questionable
year ago

People dress and style themselves in unusual and not complimentary ways every single day. The reason they might be doing that is simply because they don’t care about what others think about them. Also, they might not be aware that their clothes and general style might need improvement. And even if they are aware of that, they might not know how to improve themselves.

11 Kids Who Are Hilarious Without Even Realizing It

11 Kids Who Are Hilarious Without Even Realizing It
6 months ago

Laughter is indeed a potent remedy, and these 11 pint-sized comedians will leave you in fits of giggles. It seems these kids have perfected the skill of bringing joy to even the most challenging audiences. In fact, a few grown-up comedians might pick up a thing or two from their comedic prowess.

15 Stories With Crazy Plot Twists We Couldn’t Predict

15 Stories With Crazy Plot Twists We Couldn’t Predict
9 months ago

Some people hate spoilers in books and movies because they love to try to predict endings themselves. Even though researchers say that knowing the plot ahead of time only adds to our experience, we still love to use our logic to guess what’s about to happen. If you enjoy this as well, here’s a fun compilation of real-life stories with unexpected resolutions.

Monthly Top Picks of Fun

15 Weird Items’ Purpose People Were in Desperate Need to Find Out

15 Weird Items’ Purpose People Were in Desperate Need to Find Out
2 years ago

In the age of social media, people share everything they consider as interesting hoping to find others who will engage with them. Luckily, there is a group for everything online and that includes mysterious objects that people don’t know a thing about. So, they will ask everyone else about these items and most of the time they will have an answer within hours.

15 People Whose Creativity Totally Got Out of Hand

15 People Whose Creativity Totally Got Out of Hand
year ago

Doing something with your own hands is great: it allows you to be creative and make something unique. What’s more, DIY-ing allows you to use leftover materials and something old that you’d eventually throw away, which means that you’re helping the environment. At the same time, projects don’t always go as planned, and we’re sometimes left with very questionable items.

18 Cool Pictures That You May Only See Once in Your Life

18 Cool Pictures That You May Only See Once in Your Life
year ago

There are many ways the internet benefits our lives and the spread of knowledge is one of them. It’s not only online courses that anyone can have access to, but also free forums and websites where people share their experiences. Something as simple as a photo can help us discover things we had no idea existed.

15+ Times Kids Were Hilarious and Didn’t Even Realize It

15+ Times Kids Were Hilarious and Didn’t Even Realize It
year ago

There comes the time in any parent’s life when their kid starts asking all sorts of questions seemingly all the time. According to statistics, at the age of 4, children ask 200-300 questions a day. However annoying it might be for the parents from time to time, it’s a vital step in their development because this is the way they learn. On the bright side, many of the things kids say are simply hilarious.

18 People That Can Make You Fume With Their Utter Disregard of Others

18 People That Can Make You Fume With Their Utter Disregard of Others
2 years ago

The best word that can explain people who don’t care at all about those around them is apathy. Not only do they not care about their surroundings but also about the people who walk past them in the street. That’s why they will go to a restaurant and leave their table in an inexcusable state. They simply don’t think about the people that will have to clean up after them later on.

15+ Unlucky People Who Can’t Catch a Break

15+ Unlucky People Who Can’t Catch a Break
year ago

To many of us, it sometimes seems that certain people are just born lucky, while others constantly receive lemons from life. And those are not even the proper kind to make lemonade. Though the truth is, for better or worse, we get to be people from both of these groups from time to time. Our today’s heroes got the short end of the stick this time, but maybe tomorrow they’ll win a lottery.