Raccoon ’Queues up’ at Dunkin’ Donuts and Gets a Doughnut as a Gift

10 months ago

A customer shared a video on TikTok in which a raccoon happily receives a doughnut at the drive-thru area of the Dunkin’ Donuts chain in a location in Florida, United States. Samantha Guptil was in the car queueing at Dunkin’ Donuts in Orange City, Florida, on May 5th when the raccoon crossed the street and approached the drive-thru window, as if it had placed an order and was picking it up.

The video’s author saw the raccoon approaching the drive-thru window to place an order. They drove their car forward to get a closer look, making sure to carefully avoid hitting the furry and friendly customer. The animal wandered up to the drive-thru window, where it received a complimentary treat.

In a pleasant and dignified exchange, the employee leans out the window and hands the raccoon an iced doughnut. The animal extends its arms and carefully accepts the sweet treat with its front paws, then scurries off to a nearby bush, securing its snack. Some users believed that the raccoon truly has star quality, and many recommended in the comments that Dunkin’ consider including the video in a potential advertising campaign.

This isn’t the only recent occasion when an animal video went viral. Earlier, a dog stayed by its owner’s side when he went missing.

Preview photo credit samguptuppy / TikTok


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