20 People Whose Love for Pets Is as Huge as Their Dogs

3 years ago

Time flies when you’re having fun with your pup. One minute they’re cute little furballs that you can easily carry in your arms, and the next thing you know, they’ve grown into huge, fluffy chonks. But their bulky size doesn’t stop these fur-parents from cradling them like the babies they once were.

Now I’ve Seen Everything gathered 20 photos that prove our love for our dogs only grows bigger as they get older and bulkier.

1. “8 weeks vs 6 months: If he is anything like his dad, we expect him to end up nearly double his current size.”

2. “From a timid puppy to an adventurous trail dog — they grow up so fast!”

3. “My sweet girl, Stella”

4. “Jake at 12 weeks, and the same dog at 1 year and 6 months”

5. “6 weeks to 8 months! They’re getting too big to hold.”

6. “Our golden, Arliss, from 8 weeks to 7 months”

7. “Beasley at 3 months and 7 months”

8. “It was love at first sight. We saw her pic from the rescue center (4 months). She just turned 1! Happy Birthday, Nori.”

9. “Cane Corso, 130-lb lap boy, so good!”

10. “This is my golden retriever from 9 weeks old to 9 years old. His abnormally large size doesn’t keep him from thinking he is still just a handful.”

11. “Saint Bernard, photos are exactly one year apart.”

12. “This is Idris, my wife’s horse puppy. Half-Saint Bernard, half-Newfoundland, 18 months old, about 145 pounds, and still growing...”

13. “From 8 weeks to 10 months”

14. “We adopted this puppy. We were told he wouldn’t be huge. But something went wrong.”

15. “Can’t believe this guy is 1 year old now!”

16. “1 year apart”

17. “Tonbo at 8 weeks, and Tonbo 3 years later”

18. “From a 2-month-old to 6 months to a 1-year-old monster!”

19. “Our first family photo — Marshall is about 4 months old and 1 year later.”

20. “Hjalmar on the day I got him, and exactly one year later”

How has your pet changed since the day you met it?


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