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Tony Smith
18 hours ago
I would like to say a few things here, basically I am in a situation where i cannot work because of my illnesses which have been diagnosed by doctors! I had to recently change from child benefit for my child to universal credit and they even told mer that with my illnesses I could not work! Yet my own children do not understand it and make me feel terrible as they continuously believe I could get a job (quote) "because you don't look that ill". It is extremely heart breaking for me as I used to work very hard when I was young picking up weights of 58kg plus every day and doing kickboxing after work so I was a hard worker and very fit. However a road traffic accident put paid to all that before my kids were even born!
so they have no idea their reaction to me not working is affecting my mentality. I have 2 chronic illnesses and osteoarthritis plus 12 other ailments on my account. I know I am unfit to work because of how these illnesses affect me daily! If you judge someone about whether they can work or not make sure you know all about that person first!
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Debbie Crowley
2 days ago
My first question would have to be why did you have a key to their house and feel you could just walk in anytime you wanted? And I think it was very little of you to not keep all the children as they are a family now. Yes, you were wrong.