My Mother-In-Law’s Outrageous Bedroom Request Forced Me to Take Drastic Action

Relationships with mothers-in-law are a painful topic for many women. This story is yet another confirmation of that. A young woman endured her mother-in-law’s antics for 11 years, and when she finally decided to stand up to her, everything went completely differently than she had hoped.
My husband and I are in our early 30s, married for a few years but together for 11. Throughout this time we often argued due to my ILs behavior, specifically MIL.
There are many examples I could make, but to sum it up she has been controlling not only to my husband but also to me, even going as far as pressuring my husband to make me do what she wanted regarding situations that didn’t concern her at all, disrespectful towards me, overall invasive and demanding. You name it. The only thing she has not done is directly insult me to my face.
I kept telling my husband I was over their behavior and to put a stop to it, but he never really acted decisively, so MIL never really stopped.
Time after time I would put up a happy front and bite my tongue not to cause drama, but because everything just keeps piling up, I’m always on the verge of blowing up whenever I’m around them. I told my husband I’d like to limit contact at least for a while, but he insists we go visit. My husband is also aware of how much I’m affected by this.
Anyway, we meet up and MIL starts with her usual antics, I stay quiet until I’ve had enough and start talking back to her. I did not insult her, but I wouldn’t let anything slide like I usually do and highlighted every inappropriate or invasive comment. She is surprised and asks me what came onto me, I never acted like this, and so on.
In a fit of rage (I wasn’t yelling, and I spoke calmly and slowly, but my emotional state was crystal clear, you couldn’t mistake it for a lighthearted remark) I told her she’s been disrespecting me for years and this is what she’s getting now, and she made her bed so she should just lay in it.
Things got tense and we left. I’m upset but finally feel liberated for standing up for myself, my husband seems torn, and MIL is obviously livid. My husband has now said that he agrees and understands my emotional state on the matter but also wants to keep the peace and just apologize.
I refused and said I would only be open to revisit the relationship if I see some change and effort to at least be cordial and mutually respectful, and I absolutely will not apologize for anything I said because I mean it and would do it again. I reminded him that he had many chances to stand up to them and that I also said no one involved would enjoy it if I had to stand up for myself, and he never took me seriously. I also said I never insulted her or yelled at her, so apologizing for my reaction to her comments sounds incredibly backward.
Here’s the story of another woman who confronted her mother-in-law, only to discover that the real cause of the conflict was her husband, who had lied to her.