Margarita S.
Margarita joined our editorial team this year. She writes about different things like celebrities, movies, viral stuff, science, and cool photos. Surprisingly, she's into Quantum and Astrophysics as a hobby. Outside of work, she likes reading detective stories and is a Wedding Master of Ceremonies. And, by the way, she used to be a ballerina.

I Stopped Recognizing My Husband Because of His Cruel Pranks on Me

I Stopped Recognizing My Husband Because of His Cruel Pranks on Me
9 hours ago

A strong marriage is built on trust, respect, and support. When these core things are missing, instability and conflict can arise, often fueled by insecurities, power struggles, or mental health challenges. Recently, a reader reached out to share her story about her husband’s troubling behavior, seeking advice on how to address the sudden shift.

These 10 Optical Illusions Will Tell a Lot of Your Personality

These 10 Optical Illusions Will Tell a Lot of Your Personality
7 hours ago

Everyone’s brain works differently when solving problems. Some dive right in, while others prefer to break things into smaller steps. This is why people can look at the same image but see it differently. Scientists have studied optical illusions for a long time, learning how they affect us no matter when or where we see them. Whether you’re curious about how your mind works or just enjoy puzzles, this article offers a fresh way to think about the link between what we see and who we are.

Choose Your First Move and Know More About Your Personality

Choose Your First Move and Know More About Your Personality
15 hours ago

Everyday actions can reveal a lot about who we are. From how we handle small tasks to how we interact with others, our daily choices and small signs we pay attention to can show our true personality. To find out more about yourself, take our quick quiz — you will learn more about what your actions say about you.

14 People Who Faced Betrayals When They Were Not Prepared at All

14 People Who Faced Betrayals When They Were Not Prepared at All
4 days ago

Betrayal can happen at any moment in life. Sometimes it’s small, like a broken promise, and we move on quickly. But other times, it cuts deep, devastating us and leaving scars that stay with us for a long time. Trust can be fragile, and when it’s broken, it can hurt more than we expect.

6 Distinct Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship

6 Distinct Signs You Are in a Toxic Relationship
4 days ago

Relationships are a cornerstone of our lives, but not all of them are positive. When a relationship becomes toxic, it can take a toll on your well-being and happiness. Recognizing the signs of a toxic relationship is the first step toward healing and building healthier connections.

15 Tiny Signs Someone Has a Crush on You

15 Tiny Signs Someone Has a Crush on You
4 days ago

More often than not, adults revert to teenage behavior when they have a crush. We might get friends to drop hints, hang out in groups, or use playful texts to gauge interest. However, you can bypass all these games by learning how to recognize the signs that someone likes you.