15+ Celebrities That Have Changed So Much Over the Years That We Struggle to Recognize Them

2 years ago

Sometimes drastic change can happen basically overnight, especially if we’re talking about something as fluid and always transforming as appearance. Of course, when decades pass, it can be hard to even recognize a person. Celebrities are no exception to this rule, they are constantly changing just like everyone else.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything made a compilation of pictures to see how time influenced our favorite celebs (spoiler: they only become more and more magnificent).

1. Caitlyn Jenner in 2010 and 2019

2. Rob Lowe in 1986 and 2019

3. Charlize Theron in 2003 and 2021

4. Meryl Streep in 1980 and 2021

5. Kylie Jenner in 2010 and 2020

6. Matthew Broderick in 1987 and 2022

7. Gwen Stefani in 1998 and 2020

8. Kristen Stewart in 2010 and 2021

9. Kate Winslet in 1999 and 2017

10. Alan Ruck in 1986 and 2022

11. Cameron Diaz in 1995 and 2019

12. Kelly Osbourne in 2011 and 2021

13. Julia Roberts in 1998 and 2018

14. Geena Davis in 1980 and 2020

15. Bruce Willis with a colleague in 1987 and 2019

16. Julianne Moore in 2001 and 2022

Whose transformations surprised you the most, and why?


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