17 Key Differences in Girls’ Lives Today vs. the ’00s

month ago

The 2000s are often called the golden era and are remembered with nostalgia. We decided to look back at those times as well and see what has changed in our lives. And it’s not just about fashion.

Gender stereotypes are a thing of the past.

Deep tans stayed in the past. Self-tanning products have been replaced by sunscreens.

We no longer invite many guests if we don’t want to.

Trendy dog breeds no longer fit in a bag unless it’s a sack.

Nail polish stays on nails for 3 weeks, not 2 days. Amazing!

Our homes became our offices.

It’s much easier to walk through life smiling when your feet don’t hurt from high heels.

We now have free hair instead of tight, hairsprayed curls.

Leather jackets were replaced with oversized coats. At least they’re warm!

Eyebrow tweezers can be put away.

Round bangs are no longer the only cool styling option.

Individuality is now more important than being trendy.

The trendy “36—24—26” measurements have also been forgotten about today.

We let ourselves stay kids.

Sometimes shopping takes no more than 10 minutes.

Fashion still keeps surprising us.

We’re no longer afraid to learn at any age.

Many of us spent our childhood and youth in the 2000s. That means we’re now in our 30s, and it’s the perfect time to take a look at how life changes after 30.

Please note: This article was updated in April 2022 to correct source material and factual inaccuracies.


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