How Many Wipes Does It Really Take After Pooping? A Doctor Reveals the Ideal Number

2 months ago

Ever wondered how much toilet paper is enough after using the bathroom? An Australian pelvic health expert has the answer, and her viral video has been viewed over 4.5 million times. In it, she reveals the optimal number of wipes for both hygiene and comfort, offering some surprising advice that goes beyond just cleanliness.

A pelvic floor physiotherapist has a key technique for over-wipers that will come as a huge relief.

The TikTok video from the “pelvic floor wellness brand” BIEN Australia has garnered over four million views, proving there’s a lot of curiosity about proper bathroom habits and the best way to handle toilet-time etiquette. In the clip, pelvic floor physiotherapist George shares insights that have captivated a wide audience, providing advice on maintaining good hygiene and avoiding over-wiping after using the toilet.

The video’s popularity highlights how everyday practices, like wiping after a bowel movement, are far from trivial. Many people are eager to learn more about the correct techniques to prevent irritation and discomfort.

The video’s viral success shows that topics once considered too private or embarrassing to discuss openly are now part of broader conversations about health and wellness. This growing interest in personal care routines emphasizes the importance of better understanding our bodies and the small adjustments that can have a big impact on our well-being.

Over-wipers, this is one for you!

In a TikTok video uploaded by BIEN Australia, pelvic floor physiotherapist George has shared some surprising advice on proper bathroom habits, specifically regarding wiping after going number two. George’s guidance might just change your routine and help save you money on toilet paper—a welcome tip during the higher cost of living.

In the video, George emphasizes that wiping more than three times can actually do more harm than good. According to the expert, excessive wiping can lead to irritation, discomfort, and even damage to the delicate skin in that area. Instead, George suggests that if you need more than three wipes to feel clean, it could be a sign that something isn’t quite right with your bowel movements. This might point to issues related to diet, hydration, or gut health.

George also encourages considering alternatives like using a bidet or wet wipes to make the process gentler and more effective. Not only can this help maintain good hygiene without causing irritation, but it also reduces toilet paper consumption, which is a practical tip for saving money.

George has some good and practical advice for over-wipers.

In the viral TikTok video, George begins by promising to reveal how viewers can reduce the number of times they need to wipe after using the bathroom—a tip that is likely to be a huge relief for many. The physiotherapist says, “When you are wiping more than two or three times, that is called fecal smearing.”

“So it is essentially when too much fecal matter stays at the entrance of your private parts even after you have finished your poo.” The pelvic floor expert then explains a technique you can employ to cut down on unnecessary wiping.

“A technique that you can use to reduce the number of times you wipe is by squeezing your pelvic floor in a waterfall formation,” George tells people. “So start by squeezing the sphincter 20 percent, then 50 percent, 80 percent, and 100 percent so that you have squeezed it four times at the end of your poo.”

She continues, “This can help close off your sphincter, which is the reason you are having little bits of stool hanging on the entrance — it is usually from weakness from that external sphincter.”

People had mixed reactions about the valuable piece of advice.

Although the video gained a huge number of views, not everyone agreed with the information presented by the doctor. Here’s what one commenter disagreed with, “I will wipe however many times needed until paper is totally clean. then once more for good measure.” Another wrote, “She is wrong, best advice she should give is to wash always.”

Another commenter rightly disagreed, “I use a bidet, I still don’t understand in this day and age why people are not using one.” And one more sarcastically remarked, “Great, now we have something wrong because we wipe more than once.”

Talking about such topics isn’t always comfortable, but it’s important since it concerns our health. Here are the details on how to sit on the toilet correctly.

Preview photo credit bien.aus / TikTok, bien.aus / TikTok


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