I Was Completely Shocked When I Saw What My In-Laws Were Doing in Our House

month ago

It’s great when relatives help a young family get on their feet and buy their own home. However, sometimes they start to act like they own the place and burden the young couple, believing they will owe them forever.

This is Cynthia’s letter:

We decided to get our readers’ opinions, and they all supported Cynthia.

  • Whatever help financially, or physically I have given my children, comes with no strings attached. How long do you have to put up with this until the debt is paid back. © Kathryn Driver / Facebook
  • Tell him if his in-laws are gonna stay at your house that you will be filing for divorce and moving out! You did not marry the family! You married him. © Patty Jarvis / Facebook
  • You need to have a talk with your husband, and he needs to manage his people. If he doesn’t maybe a new discussion needs to happen. You can’t keep leaving your home. What happens if you have children? © Jennifer Kozak / Facebook
  • The lack of respect for your home is obviously bad. You need to have a conversation with your husband, let him know that yes you are grateful your in-laws help you buy the house. But it’s you and your husband home, and it should be boundaries, your husband needs to have a conversation with his parents, and respect must be a priority. You don’t deserve coming home to a mess after a long day at work. © Micky Litman / Facebook
  • DIVORCE the mommy’s boy and send him back to mommy’s house!! He has NO RESPECT at all for you or your home! © Tina Hinton / Facebook
  • No, I would not tolerate in laws coming over whenever they want to. Children should not be making a mess in anyone’s house. Why weren’t the nephews at home with their parents? He should be backing you up. It’s your home. Yes, the in laws might have helped you both buy the house. I’d start by paying them back every month. Family can come over a Saturday night or for Sunday lunch. Not every five minutes. That would do my head in. © Rachel Leah Amy Hele / Facebook
  • Time to sell the house and give them the money they invested so you can be independent. Buy something else, even if smaller. Your autonomy will be worth it! © Bret Timmons / Facebook
  • Two choices: work to pay off the loan or leave your husband and his family! This is ridiculous! © Cheria Gata / Facebook
  • Just do as you were told. Make sure when the nephews come, they ruin your house as your in-laws bought the house you should bow to their needs, and when your husband says jump you do that exactly in your place.
    I would pack a bag and go and stay with my parents, then your husband can explain to his mother how you feel. Don’t go back till they respect you. I was being sarcastic in my first response. © Jennifer Lees / Facebook

Conflicts with in-laws are not so uncommon. Here’s the story of another woman whose in-laws referred to her children as “baggage” and didn’t invite them to a family dinner.

Preview photo credit George Milton / Pexels


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