20+ Mistakes We Make That Turn Expensive Devices Into Trash

Smart home
2 years ago

When our devices and appliances start acting out, we often rush to conclusions and blame the manufacturers that, we think, didn’t do everything in their power to avoid this situation. But very often, it’s not their fault, but ours. Some of us not only throw away all the manuals, but we don’t even know how to use devices correctly to make them last long.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything are convinced that regularly spending money on buying new devices is really silly. It’s much better to learn about the mistakes that break our devices in order not to repeat them.


  • One of the frequent causes of broken earphones is when water gets on the electronic components when we walk around or work out outside in the rain. Sweat, water, and high and low temperatures can get water into the sound canals of the system and break the device.
  • Listening to music too loudly also has a negative impact on earphones. High volumes quickly destroy the complex internal components of the device. And of course, loud music can damage your hearing.
  • If you want your earbuds to work for as long as possible, don’t tie them in a tight knot. Of course, this way, they look better. But the knots and curves on the same segments of the cord can lead to tiny cracks inside the device.
  • Sleeping in the headphones can also lead to breaking. The cord can get twisted when you turn in the bed. And the mechanic load on the cord can also break the electric cord.

Air conditioner

  • Don’t forget about maintenance. It’s not just about professional help, but also the things you can do yourself: clean and change the filters regularly. They are usually right under the front lid. It not only makes them more efficient but also removes the extra dust that may be spread around your apartment.
  • Don’t open windows when the AC is on. It’s an illusion that open windows and a working AC are the fastest way to cool a room down. The performance of the appliance drops significantly and it might break down faster because it has to handle way more hot air.
  • Choose an AC with the right power. A system that is not powerful enough for the room will wear down faster because it has to work at full power. If the power is more than needed, your electric bills will be bigger and the small room will become colder faster than the humidity level can adjust, making the area feel “clammy” and uncomfortable.


  • One of the mistakes we make when using a laptop is having it plugged all the time. Remember — when a battery is constantly charged, it gets damaged due to the heat and high voltage. It’s better to charge the laptop to 80% and plug it in when the charge is less than 40%.
  • Severe cold can also have a negative effect on a laptop. It’s better not to cool them too much, but if it happens, do this: before turning it on, let it warm up to room temperature and remove all the moisture to prevent electrical problems.
  • The portability of laptops is a big source of trouble. For example, we’re tempted to put them on something soft (bed, our lap), and this leads to overheating and breaking. Always put laptops on hard surfaces that won’t block their ventilation.
  • Few people think about it, but even though they can carry laptops in their hands, some models still have traditional HDD, not SSD. And shaking it can lead to serious mechanical damage. So, try to be just as careful with laptops as you are with desktop PCs. And work at a table, so the laptop will work for a much longer time.


  • Make sure the kettle has enough water. Using it with too little water, especially when it’s not enough to cover the heating element. Doing this will, sooner or later, break the device.
  • Even the manuals say this: don’t place the kettle where it’s open to high temperatures, like on ovens and stoves. It can deform the body and other plastic elements.
  • Get rid of the scale regularly. Remember that it’s not just metal kettles that have it, but also the metal base of plastic models. Even the kettles with built-in filters only prevent lime from getting into your tea (or hot water), but it doesn’t prevent its formation in the first place. You can clean the device by pouring vinegar with water in a 1:1 proportion and leave it overnight. Just don’t forget to leave a note next to the kettle, in case someone wants to use it.
  • Another reason why scale forms is because we leave leftover water inside. Try pouring out the water afterward.


  • Don’t use tap water. It’s not really clear if only distilled water should be used. But hard water from the tap will definitely lead to the appearance of scale and problems. Use filtered water: the less salt and lime there is, the better it is for your iron.
  • Don’t leave leftover water inside. Many people neglect this, but this habit leads to rust that leaves brown spots on your clothes. Besides, in this situation, there can be a leak, so the water might get into the electric parts and lead to a short circuit.
  • The bottom of the iron should be cleaned, even if there are no visible spots. The thing is, there are still some small fibers and water minerals. And the lime deposits can block the steam holes. The easiest way is to wash the surface with baking soda dissolved in water, so it looks like a paste.

Meat grinder

  • Don’t wash the parts of your meat grinder in a dishwasher, unless the manual says it’s acceptable. The thing is, most modern grinders are made from aluminum. And most dishwashers use aggressive agents, containing alkaline phosphates. When they come into contact with aluminum, the surface will become bleak. Besides, the powdered detergents may remain on the pieces and get into the meat.
  • Don’t grind bones. Some grinders are powerful enough to grind bones, but most aren’t and can be easily broken.
  • Don’t let the device overheat. This can happen for different reasons: wear and the breaking of the coolant. Even if the device is new, you still shouldn’t use it for longer than the manual says.


  • Don’t put ice and other frozen foods into a blender. If the power is not strong enough, the knives might break, or the engine may burn. The least you can do is add some liquids (if possible) with what you are making.
  • Don’t mix very hot foods. In a closed blender, the air gets really hot, the pressure rises, and the blender might crack. The best you can do is cover it with a towel instead of a lid and use the lowest speed possible to keep the contents inside.
  • Let the device cool down if you’ve been using it for too long. Also, to avoid overheating, don’t turn the device on right after turning it off.


  • It’s important to remember the correct hand position when using a hairdryer. If the back of the device is close to the hair, it might get inside and clog it. The engine won’t be able to rotate as easily and the filament might burn.
  • When hair gets inside may create sparks and an unpleasant smell. In this case, it’s necessary to clean the hairdryer carefully, not forgetting about any safety measures.

All of us have made many of these mistakes from time to time. For example, the author of this article regularly forgets to add water to the kettle and loves putting their laptop on their lap. What other things can break our devices? Maybe, you have some experience that will help other readers avoid spending a lot of money on having to buy new things.


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