8 Famous Women Whose Bodies Meet Universal Beauty Standards According to Science

month ago

Beauty has long been subjective, but science has now identified specific measurable traits that align with our perceptions of beauty. When researchers analyze famous celebrities using these criteria, intriguing insights emerge about the women frequently regarded as the most beautiful. By examining proportions, symmetry, posture, and other quantifiable factors, studies have pinpointed the celebrities with the most flawless appearances.

8. Salma Hayek scored 88%.

7. Elle Macpherson scored 88.3%.

6. Cameron Diaz scored 91%.

5. Kelly Brook scored 92.9%.

4. Rita Ora scored 93%.

3. Kim Kardashian scored 96.3%.

2. Helen Mirren scored 95.6%.

1. Scarlett Johansson scored 96.4%.

Meanwhile, “rodent men” have captured public fascination, becoming Hollywood’s hottest new type that everyone is obsessed with.


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