Madonna’s Smooth Face Has Been Discussed for Many Months, and a Close Source Reveals That She Wants to Return to Her Natural Face

year ago

The Queen of Pop has always loved vibrant looks and transformations. But this year, there is even more buzz around her than usual. Since Madonna appeared at the Grammy Awards in February, discussions about her appearance haven’t subsided.

At the latest Grammy ceremony, the star appeared as a presenter. Immediately after the event, there was a lot of talk about Madonna’s face: many were amazed at how smooth and almost wrinkle-free the 64-year-old singer’s skin looked. Fans were quick to comment that Madonna is “aging backward”.

The superstar has never confirmed nor denied undergoing plastic surgery. She said: “I’m certainly not against plastic surgery. However, I’m absolutely against having to discuss it”. But anyway, a source close to the singer revealed that she wants to look like “2000s Madonna”. So, she is trying to have puffy cheeks and high cheekbones to hide signs of aging.

One famous beauty critic supposed why Madonna’s appearance has generated so much negativity from people. She said: “People are upset by Madonna’s new face because it is, on some level, exposing the truth: that antiaging is an inhuman goal, and attempting to antiage—or age gracefully—actually takes an incredible amount of effort”.

picture-alliance/ dpa/EAST NEWS

Seems like the harsh comments have affected the singer. After the ceremony, she posted a photo with the caption: “Look how cute I am now that swelling from surgery has gone down. Lol.”

After a few months, information emerged that the singer is trying to return to her natural face ahead of world tour by resorting to various manipulations. Madonna is not giving any comments on this matter. After all, she shouldn’t have to defend her appearance.

Recently, the singer suffered from a bacterial infection and she is recovering now. A source close to the star’s family said that Madonna was fearlessly active, preparing for her new tour. They said: “She thinks that she is still young when, in fact, she is not”. We hope that the star’s condition has improved and that her appearance brings her joy because ultimately, that is what matters most.

Nevertheless, Madonna captures attention not only with her appearance but also with her musical releases. Just recently, she released a music video featuring Sam Smith, and it exceeded all our expectations.


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