Pierce Brosnan Pens Heartfelt Tribute to Wife Keely on Their 23rd Wedding Anniversary

2 months ago

Pierce Brosnan is celebrating his 23rd wedding anniversary with his wife, Keely Shaye Brosnan. The 71-year-old actor marked the occasion with a heartfelt Instagram tribute to his “darling” wife, Keely, who is 60, on Sunday, August 4.

“Happy 23rd anniversary, my darling Keely,” Brosnan wrote in the caption. “My beautiful brown-eyed girl, my north, my south, my east and west. All my love, should I fall behind, wait for me.”

Accompanying his heartfelt message, the former James Bond star posted a collage of photos of himself and Keely over the years, including a nostalgic picture of them walking along a beach and a more recent one of them holding hands.

Brosnan’s tribute to Keely follows her own anniversary post on Instagram Sunday. Keely shared a carousel of wedding photos, noting their wedding date and location in the caption as “August 4th, 2001, Ashford Castle, County Mayo, Ireland.”

“You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest person I have ever known,” she wrote. “Happy Anniversary my love @piercebrosnanofficial. Here’s to the next 23 years together. May they continue to be creative, adventurous, loving, inspiring, and joyful.”

“Time flies on love’s wings,” Keely added.

The celebrity family certainly knows how to captivate their fans. In April, Keely Shaye Brosnan and Pierce Brosnan celebrated thirty years of companionship with heartfelt gestures. Keely wrote a touching tribute to her husband, accompanied by sweet snapshots, while Pierce responded with a warm note that resonated with many.

In a poignant post, Keely shared her heartfelt sentiments: «4-8-94 was my lucky day. How could I have known as I walked around the corner and into your life that my destiny was about to change forever?» Accompanying her reflection were several photographs capturing cherished moments from their journey together.

Expressing gratitude for the bold step she took that fateful day, Keely wrote, «Thanking my lucky stars that I had the courage to introduce myself to you and forever grateful for the connection and family we share 3 decades later. Happy 30th Anniversary! @piercebrosnanofficial ✨. Time flies on love’s wings.» In response, Pierce Brosnan, now 70, tenderly commented, «Thank God for you my dear Keely, you have given me wings to fly. Love you dearly.»

Fans are swooning over Keely’s recent photos with adoration. Numerous admirers have commented on her stunning appearance, expressing curiosity about her skincare routine. «Keely, what do you do for your skin? It’s absolutely flawless!» inquired one fan. Another chimed in, «You look wonderful! Young and beautiful.»

Keely Shaye is widely praised for her timeless beauty, no matter her body size. Together with her famous husband, they make a stunning couple that captivates and inspires countless admirers.


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