10 Seemingly Small Mistakes Parents Should Stop Doing If They Want to Raise Honest Kids

The unexpected vanishing of 9-year-old Kayla shattered her father’s heart and sent his life into disarray. However, against all odds, the remarkable discovery of the now 15-year-old girl has sent chills down our spines as her extraordinary story unfolds.
In 2017, Kayla was forcibly separated from her father by her noncustodial mother, Heather Unbehaun. Reflecting on the distressing turn of events two years after her disappearance, Ryan, Kayla’s grief-stricken father, expressed his anguish, revealing that the agreed arrangement was for the mother to spend weekends with their daughter on an alternating basis.
Ryan vividly remembered the events surrounding the Fourth of July weekend when the custody arrangement allowed Heather to spend time with Kayla. Since the holiday fell on a Tuesday, Ryan proposed that Kayla stay with her mother until Tuesday, and then he would pick her up on Wednesday. However, when Ryan arrived as planned to collect his daughter, he was met with the shocking news from the Unbehaun family that Heather and Kayla had not returned from their camping trip.
With a heart full of joy, the father expressed his immense happiness that his daughter has returned home safely. He also expressed gratitude towards the followers of the Bring Kayla Home Facebook page for their unwavering support in keeping their story alive. In addition, the father kindly requested privacy as they reconnected and embarked on this new chapter of their lives together.
Being lost might just be one of the most terrifying things that can happen to anyone and thankfully in another case, a little boy had his dog with him until he was found lost in the woods. This is what love is about, and this couple proves exactly that.