15+ Images That Show How Precious Our Family History Is

year ago

Photos hold moments in time for as long as we keep them. And there’s nothing better than bringing those instants to life by recreating them, in the same place or with the same people. It’s the perfect way to reminisce and it creates a magical new batch of pictures to look back upon.

1. “My mom in 1966 and today. Still rocking the same shirt 55 years later.”

2. “Me and my son. Same tux, 30 years apart.”

3. “Not much change in 25 years.”

4. “My grandfather on his honeymoon in 1955 and me traveling for work in 2018.”

5. “My granddad and his wheels, ~1950 and 2020”

6. “My pops in the same location, 15 years apart.”

7. “Same mom, same me, same teddy bear some 55 years apart”

8. “My great-grandmother and grandmother in Portland, Oregon 1944, and me in 2021.”

9. “At the top, my wife and I in 2008, after I’d driven from NYC to Chicago to visit her for the first time. At the bottom, our wedding day in 2018.”

10. “My grandmother in 1960 and me, 61 years later.”

11. “My wife with the Apple, then and now”

12. “We recreated this photo of my grandparents on their wedding day.”

13. “Me and my dad, 1989 and 2016”

14. “The family car and me, 20 years apart.”

15. “My son and me, 1987 and 2017”

16. Me and my dad, 38 years apart.

Preview photo credit JoshYx / Reddit


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