17 Photoshop Masters Who Showed Us How to Completely Reimagine a Picture

2 years ago

Photoshop and filters have taken over our lives on social media and it is said that about 71% of people edit their pictures before posting them online. While this shows a lack of confidence or fear that their pictures won’t be perfect otherwise, Photoshop can be entertaining as well. Knowing just a few basic tips will give you the opportunity to create funny pictures that you can enjoy along with your friends.

1. A kitten mid-air doing its thing.

2. “This alpaca judging your driving ability.”

3. Dog with a pearl earring.

4. It started out with a kiss. How did it end up like this?

5. “Hmmm, I smell something familiar, something dangerous, something breakfast-y.”

6. The dunk contest got more interesting.

7. Super hero baby.

8. Another super baby.

9. Levitating dog.

10. “Cat enjoying a blade of grass.”

11. “I perfected this photo a little bit.”

12. C’mon cat, just one more rep!

13. Cattuccino

14. This kitty has some superpowers.

15. “My friend grandma’s house. She put a magazine cutout of Leonardo DiCaprio over her late husband’s face because Leo is more handsome.”

16. Here goes the kale!

17. I’d pay a ticket to listen to that duo.

Do you know how to do Photoshop and if you do, what do you like playing around with?

Preview photo credit GeongSi / Reddit, mandal0re / Imgur


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