10+ Celebrity Kids Who Look Like the Carbon Copies of Their Parents

year ago

Apart from our parents’ traits, we certainly do take over their looks and other physical features as well. And celebrity kids are no exception. We’ve gathered a few instances for you down below that will make you realize that these kids are really their parents’ doppelgangers. Have a look!

1. Meryl Streep and Mamie Gummer

2. Tom Hanks and Elizabeth Hanks

3. Dwayne Johnson and Simone Alexandra Johnson

Invision/Invision/East News, © simonegjohnson/instagram

4. Jennifer Lopez and Emme Muniz

5. Thandie Newton and Nico Parker


6. Kennya Baldwin and Hailey Bieber

7. Reese Witherspoon and Deacon Phillippe

Jen Lowery/Mega Agency/East News, © reesewitherspoon/instagram

8. Gwyneth Paltrow and Apple Martin

9. Victoria Beckham and Romeo Beckham

Mary Evans/Allstar/Graham Whitby Boot/East News, © romeobeckham/instagram

10. Elizabeth and Damian Hurley

DDNY/Broadimage /EAST NEWS

11. David Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham

Invision/Invision/East News

12. Jude Law and Raff Law

Eric Catarina/Starface/STARFACE PHOTO /East News, Album Online/East News

13. Uma Thurman and Maya Hawke-Thurman


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