10 People Share Stories of Weddings That Took Truly Wild Turns

2 days ago

Weddings are meant to be predictable — a beautiful ceremony, heartfelt vows, and a celebration brimming with love. But occasionally, the unexpected steals the spotlight, transforming a perfectly planned day into an unforgettable spectacle. From surprise objections to dance-floor disasters, these 10 wedding moments took a completely unforeseen turn, leaving guests in shock, laughter, or utter disbelief.


Some lady, a friend of the bride's grandmother, ate the wedding cake. It was in the center of a big display with bowls and candles, and signs all over asked folks not to touch it. This was the cake the bride and groom were supposed to cut. We even made it a good five-foot reach to get it over the candles. Plus, the cookie table had mini cheesecakes.

She took the whole thing, went back to her table, grabbed a fork, and scooped out chunks from the cake. She sat there, chawing away like a heifer, while folks were filtering in. After 10 random scoops from the cake, she was caught by the mother of the bride and scolded.

She had turned the cake into a cratered mess. She also managed to toss her napkin on top of what was left and acted pissy. Her only defense was, "Well, it looked good, I haven't had one in years, and I would skip the buffet." © sxcamaro / Reddit


Bride and Groom (friends of mine) came over and told me to hold everything calm and nice, as they didn't want to shock her parents in any way. Both were working in a 5-star Hotel situated 10 minutes away on the shore of a lake here in Switzerland. That means their co-workers only could show up after work, which was after midnight.

The co-workers' gift to the couple (beside an envelope with cash) were leopard design fur string for him and the same design bikini for her. As soon as this gift had been opened, the bride's father came over to me and wanted the microphone.

Of course, I gave it to him and opened it. He then started yelling into the microphone, "We want to see if this underwear fits... We want to see if this underwear fits... etc..." He didn't stop until his daughter and son-in-law moved to a quiet room and came back dressed into nothing else than this underwear.

Guess who shocked who at that wedding!!! © StephenNawlins / Reddit


By open dancing, the best man thought it was a good idea to climb onto a table and start to strip. He had everyone cheering him on, and so he kept with it. Took off his jacket; threw it. Took off his tie; threw it, took off his dress shirt; threw it. He felt hot until he took off his undershirt and the room erupted in laughter.

Turns out the dude taped cotton balls to his nipples (guess he’s prone to chafing)... anyways, he forgot all about it and when he looked down and remembered and then realized everyone was laughing at him, his face turned practically clear white. That sobered him up instantly, and he jumped down to grab his clothes as everyone rolled on the floor laughing.

It was fantastic. © AteBitVillain / Reddit


I always told my husband that the wedding day was just for us. Yet, despite knowing this, he allowed his friend to propose to his girlfriend at our wedding. The friend got down on one knee, she said yes, and everyone cheered. My husband even gave them the envelope with the money my sister had given me.

Later, it turned out that this envelope contained nearly twenty times more than what the couple had given us. It turned out the girl was pregnant, and throughout the evening, people were taking photos with them and congratulating them. I tried to handle the situation peacefully by asking her to return the envelope, but she stubbornly refused.

My husband wouldn't help either — he said, “What’s the problem? I made a gift to my best friend. He’s like a brother to me.” But karma caught up with them — before the baby was even born, they broke up, and now the girl is raising the child alone. So, I’m getting a divorce. If my husband acted like this, I know he’ll always prioritize his friends over his family.


The bride was nowhere to be found. The speeches were about to begin, but the most important person was missing. Then the venue manager delivered the bombshell: the bride was found with the best man, cheating on the groom.

The planner heads off to find the bride to figure out if speeches are going on and whatnot. Speeches begin, all pretty run-of-the-mill, until it's the Bride and Groom's speech. They stand up and start the speech, and then the Bride just kind of walks off into the corner and starts crying. Everyone else in the room is literally sitting there while the Groom continues his speech, and she's whimpering in the corner.

Alright. Dinner is over, speeches are done, first dance time. The bride has to be corralled back into the dance room, and she starts the first dance, but not before FORCEFULLY TURNING THE GROOM SO THAT SHE IS STARING DIRECTLY AT THE BEST MAN FOR THE ENTIRE DANCE. © ManAboutTown / Reddit


My then girlfriend and I had been dating for about 5 years when we finally decided to marry.

On our wedding, everything was going as expected-until the officiant asked the infamous question: “Does anyone have any objection?” And to everyone's shock, a voice answered, “Yes, I do.”

In that instant, the time and everything else just froze. And even more unbelievably, it came from no less than the bride herself, and then she added in her most natural tone: “He is not a Systems Engineer. His specialty is Computer Engineer”

First a general sense of relief and then everyone just burst out laughing. We have been married for more than 15 years and the document still says “Systems Engineer” © Tiberio Martinez / Quora


My best friend was getting married, and his fiancé was a very nice, wholesome, “girl next door” type. He was worried that I, and his other good friend would do something stupid, or pull a practical joke that might embarrass his soon-to-be wife during the wedding, so we were sternly warned to be on our best behavior. Or else!!

The wedding began, we (we were ushers at the wedding) took our places on the stairs leading up to the dais, and stood respectfully watching the ceremony. Perfectly reverent. We casually glanced over at the bridesmaids who were across from us on the steps, and noticed one of them was slightly swaying. We continued to watch as her swaying became more pronounced, and then she proceeded to fall over like a fresh cut tree right between the bride and groom. Out like a light.

Total chaos ensued, but we continued to stand stoically as directed. After a brief pause to take in the moment (and share a wink and nod with my counterpart) I stepped up, picked up the still unconscious young lady, and carried her to a side room where she was treated and soon recovered. We returned to the service as the bride and groom were announced as husband and wife and walked together out of the church.

Happy ending. They’ve been married 25 years. I almost felt bad for my friend, who was so mistrustful and concerned about my (our) behavior that he felt the need to admonish us. No, that’s not true. I rub his nose in it every time we all get together. © Rick Weber / Quora


For a short time I worked as a wedding coordinator. When this couple had their rehearsal, the bride was late, and she was just awful. She was hateful to everyone, and especially the groom. To him, she was just nasty.

I fully expected that the guy would not show up for the wedding the next day. I was wrong, he was there, but she wasn’t. Guy really dodged a bullet with that one, of course I don’t think he saw it that way on that day. © Ann McConnell / Quora


A professional older couple got married. It was pretty streamlined as she was in financial difficulties (trying to avoid bankruptcy and other issues). But we tried to make it nice for her. She did spend a ton on hair and make-up, the dress etc.

Walked down the aisle to boom box music — ok budget (but why at the last minute did I get asked to run boom box?). The groom made a little ceramic bowl himself that their rings were presented to the officiant in. That was sweet and as he is artistic very pretty keepsake.

THEN — yep, this is the part that floored me — the officiant pulled out sock puppets and started the vows in a squeaky voice and had the PUPPETS conduct the ring ceremony! Yeah, that was unique! © Susan Tencza / Quora


The bridesmaid asked the DJ to play a sad ballad about a broken heart and invited the groom to a slow dance. The girl clung to him and soon burst into tears. Curiously, I turned to the guests, who were equally transfixed by the scene, and asked, “Who is she?” It turns out she was a childhood friend, secretly in love with the groom. It’s unclear whether the couple was aware of what she was about to do, but one thing was certain: the young couple certainly didn’t expect such an uncomfortable spectacle.

And here’s another collection of wild wedding stories where the moment of “I Do” turned into pure drama.


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