12+ Actors Who Embody Their Roles in the Most Extraordinary Ways

11 months ago

Film makeup has a great ability to play tricks on our minds. It can keep us guessing throughout an entire film, leaving us astounded by an actor’s performance, only to later realize that it was actually Eddie Murphy or Tilda Swinton. Below is a list of the most talented actors who completely immersed themselves in their roles.

1. Tilda Swinton

Image supplied by Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS, © Suspiria / Frenesy Film Company and co-producers

2. Eddie Murphy

3. Christian Bale

4. Margot Robbie

5. Tom Hanks

6. Joaquin Phoenix

7. Zoe Saldaña

8. Charlize Theron

9. Eddie Redmayne

10. Stanley Tucci

11. Dave Bautista

12. Sacha Baron Cohen

13. John Travolta

Great actors excel at portraying roles that are the furthest from who they truly are. And we think that these actors and actresses did a great job playing characters that are too old or too young.


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