13 Stories of Coworkers Who Elevated Workplace Drama to an Entirely New Level

3 months ago

Office life can be unpredictable, and sometimes it feels like you’re living in a world of constant surprises. However, some coworkers seem to take workplace drama to an entirely new level. From awkward moments to bizarre behavior, these stories highlight the unexpected challenges that can arise in the office.


A year ago, my Secret Santa coworker Sarah gave me a beautiful silver ring with a tiny emerald, a surprisingly thoughtful gift. We’d always been friendly, so I wore it often, thinking nothing of it. Then, after a year, I noticed a groove around the gem. I finally managed to twist it open.

Inside the hidden compartment was a note. Just two words: “Hate you.” I sat there, stunned. All year, I thought Sarah and I were getting along just fine. Now I couldn’t shake the questions: Was it a joke? Some kind of mistake? Or had she hidden this all along?


Our office had a strict no-perfume policy, but I started noticing that every time I came back from lunch, my desk had this overwhelming smell of vanilla. Then it was lavender, and then something musky.

I was losing my mind, convinced someone was messing with my workspace. I finally caught my coworker in the act—she was lightly misting my area “to make it more Zen.” When I asked her why, she admitted she thought I was the one secretly wearing perfume, and she was trying to “balance out” my scent with neutralizers. We’d been unknowingly scent-warring each other for weeks.


Our office “adopted” a stray cat that we all adored — until someone “stole” it one night. After days of searching and blaming each other, the janitor confessed he took it home because it reminded him of his late wife’s cat.


I had a coworker, and we had a good relationship. However, every time we went to the canteen for lunch, I’d get a glass of juice, and she would always ask for a sip at the end. I couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t just buy her own. She never drank the whole glass — just a sip from mine — and it started to get really annoying.


I’d find my coffee cup meticulously washed every morning, which was odd because I left it unwashed on purpose to finish my coffee the next day. After weeks of this mystery, I caught the intern in the act. She confessed that she thought coffee residue was “unprofessional” and took it upon herself to scrub it daily for the team. When I explained I preferred it “seasoned,” she was horrified, saying she thought it was my “forgetfulness” and wanted to “help me” without asking.


I noticed my new coworker was starting to copy everything I did. I wore black on Monday; she wore black on Tuesday. I started taking my coffee black; she dropped her creamer the next day. It went from quirky to creepy fast — she even started repeating my phrases in meetings.

When I brought it up to her, she told me, “It’s just that you’re so good at everything; I thought I’d learn by doing everything exactly the way you do.” I later found out she was reporting back to HR, saying I was “imitating” her work to “undermine” her confidence.


For months, I found love letters and small gifts on my desk from a “secret admirer.” I was flattered...until I learned they were left by my married coworker. When I confronted him, he blushed and confessed they were for himself — to keep his spirits up after his wife left him.


I started receiving “anonymous” tips about my performance, critiquing my outfits and word choices. Finally, I discovered my coworker had been leaving them, claiming they were “sourced from feedback she’d gathered.” When I asked why, she said, “I thought you’d appreciate proactive feedback.”


I had a small cactus on my desk, and every Monday, I’d find it just a bit more shriveled than the week before. I started suspecting someone was overwatering it as a prank. I installed a hidden camera and found it wasn’t just one person — it was five different people, all watering my cactus “to help me out” because they thought it looked “lonely.” Turns out they were in a friendly competition to see who could make it flourish the most, without telling me, and accidentally caused it to wither from over-love.


I had a coworker who was a stinker. I’m a newbie, she’s my mentor. Every time she would sit down next to me to explain something, I almost cried. This stench, like a trail, followed her everywhere. You couldn’t even enter the bathroom after her.
The previous employee worked with her for 2 years and put up with it. He would come home and, like me, take off all his clothes and immediately throw them in the wash. The odor was terrible. I was nervous and asked friends and family for advice.
Only after 6 months did I dare to tell her about it, apologizing for every word. In response, she said that no one ever told her that, and she feels nothing and everyone is fine with it. I had to go to my supervisor in tears. He conducted an investigation, questioned everyone, talked to her, and finally moved her to a separate office! I felt like I could breathe again.


A coworker started leaving low-calorie snacks on my desk, then one day handed me a booklet titled “Your Path to Wellness.” She said she’d been “assigned” by her boss to “inspire healthy habits” in the team. Apparently, I was her main “target.”


I started noticing that every time I arrived at work, my coworker was already parked in the spot right next to mine, waiting for me. Then she’d follow me into the building, keeping an odd silence. Finally, I asked her about it, and she casually explained she’d been “monitoring” my arrival time because she felt I was “cutting it too close to 9 AM.” She had even compiled a spreadsheet.

When I reported it, she claimed it was a “team-building accountability tool.” HR had to give a company-wide statement about respecting personal space.


At work, one of my coworkers has been trying to hit on me for a long time, constantly complimenting my legs. I got fed up with it and decided to put an end to it. I didn’t shave my legs for two weeks and then came to work wearing a short skirt, hoping it would scare him away. But instead, he said he liked it even better. Now I’m wondering if I should quit.

In our previous article, we shared the story of a woman who overheard a private conversation between her husband and his female coworker, which left her shocked and deeply hurt.


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