15 Bone-Chilling Stories That Prove Reality Can Be Scarier Than Fiction

6 days ago

Surely each of us has experienced situations where it’s simply impossible to explain what’s happening logically. Here are the stories of 15 people who also cannot find a rational explanation for the things that happened to them.

  • One night, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the screen — it was my mom. But my mom had passed away two years ago. I froze, staring at the screen, my heart pounding in my chest. The phone kept ringing, so I answered it, my voice trembling as I whispered, “Hello?” There was silence on the other end for a moment before I heard my mom’s voice, clear as day, say, “Why did you leave me?” The call disconnected, and I just sat there, paralyzed, feeling like reality had slipped away from me.
  • I’ve had a car disappear on the highway right behind me. It was a straight stretch, so I could fully see that he didn’t pull off to the side or anything. He wasn’t in my blind spot because I physically moved my head to check, and he hadn’t passed me or turned off anywhere because it was a highway. He was just gone in a second.
    One second I looked in my rearview mirror to see him coming up on me, looked back ahead for a moment, then back in the rearview—and poof—he was just gone without a trace. It was freaky. © C***ide_Kit**_101 / Reddit
  • A few months ago, I got a voicemail from an unknown number. The voice on the other end sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it. They whispered my name and then said, “Don’t go to the basement.” I don’t even have a basement. I shrugged it off, figuring it was a prank, but that night, I heard a strange scraping sound coming from under my floorboards. The next morning, I found a door I had never seen before, leading down to a set of stairs. I slammed it shut, but ever since then, I hear footsteps below me every night.
  • A few months ago, I woke to see a tall, dark figure standing over my bed, but because I suffer from sleep paralysis, I just assumed I was hallucinating and went back to sleep. My mother-in-law was staying over that night in the spare room, and in the morning, she started telling me how she woke up with the feeling that she was being watched. © thisguy_94 / Reddit
  • When I was in 2nd grade, I started feeling really hungry and unwell one day during class. I toughed it out until lunchtime, but on the walk to the cafeteria, my sight changed so that I could only see in black and white. As soon as I started eating, my normal vision returned.
    The nurse sent me home later with a fever, but I have never been able to understand how it was even possible to temporarily go colorblind. My family doesn’t believe me to this day. © bennettr08 / Reddit
  • I was hanging out with friends a couple of years back when they decided to pull out a Ouija board. I thought it was nonsense and refused to touch it. My friends told me to ask it a question, so I said fine.
    I still wasn’t touching it and told it to guess a five-digit number I was thinking of. It wasn’t something like "12345"—it was random. I didn’t tell anybody the number. It guessed right. © ASmallBitPyromanic / Reddit
  • My mom and I were about to eat lunch. She served my plate and herself, and right when she sat down, my plate broke in half in a perfect line. Ten seconds later, a strong gust knocked one of the window blinds. We looked at each other, and my mom said, “Oh no, something bad happened.”
    She is very superstitious. About ten minutes later, she received a call that her father (my grandpa) had passed away. I have never experienced something like that again. © Un***lyHumanG** / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, I had a dream where I was answering the questions on my math test. It was extremely vivid; I could see the questions and the work I was doing. The next day, we had that math test, and it was the exact same as in my dream. © Nickynui / Reddit
  • One time when I was a kid in elementary school, I woke up in the middle of the night and felt extremely paranoid. When I looked toward my door, I saw the figure of my mother standing there—just a black silhouette in my doorway. I called out to her (“mom”) with no answer.
    She started walking toward me, and I kept calling her over and over with no response. She came up to my bed and bent over, but her silhouette was still all black; I couldn’t see her clothing or face. I then covered the blankets over my head and lay there for a few minutes, too scared to uncover myself.
    Eventually, when I did, the silhouette was gone, and I was alone again. I swear I was 100% awake and can still feel the fear I felt back then. I have no idea why I saw that. © spandex_manufactuer / Reddit
  • When I was a kid, I had a lava lamp. When it was on, it would get really hot. Since it was yellow, I used it for drawing at night. So, I was sitting there, drawing, when all of a sudden the lamp turned itself off.
    I started panicking because I’m really afraid of the dark, and I started calling my mum for help. She came into my room, and when I explained the situation, she said the lamp was never turned on; I had been sitting in the dark the whole time. I touched the lamp, and it was cold... © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My niece’s toy, which was a battery-operated talking, stuffed animal, started talking one afternoon (the regular things it would say, nothing different) when there were absolutely no batteries inside the toy. © Avenging-Robot / Reddit
  • I was in the living room of my house having a discussion with my partner when a water bottle that had been in the middle of the kitchen counter flew through the air as if thrown, passed through the half-wall opening, and landed on the living room rug. The house was originally my grandmother’s, and I was her world. He must have said something she didn’t like. © laurcoogy / Reddit
  • When I was 6 or 7, I was sleepless one night and laid down on my back, just looking out the window. I literally blinked, and it was suddenly daylight, as if time had magically skipped hours ahead. I know for sure I didn’t sleep, and nothing like that has ever happened again. © redheadmomster6** / Reddit
  • My roommate found a strange key in their car. They hadn’t driven anyone around, the car was locked, the windows were rolled up, and a key that went to nothing we owned was sitting perfectly in the middle of the passenger seat. © Ryukotaicho / Reddit
  • After giving birth, my friend gave me flowers in a beautiful vase as a gift and told me to keep the vase and not to give it back. After some time, I moved it to the top of my fridge, placing it straight in the middle. My husband and I were sitting down when, randomly, it jumped off the fridge and shattered into a million pieces.
    I told my friend about it, and weirdly enough, she said that the same vase had jumped off her counter but didn’t break. It freaked her out so much that she gave it to me. I also forgot to add that she told me a couple of people owned it before her, and it also jumped off their counters too. © ladybuglyndsey / Reddit
  • I was home alone, reading in bed, when I heard the front door creak open. I knew I had locked it. I grabbed my phone, ready to call for help, but suddenly I got a text. It was from my own number. The message simply said, “I’m in the house.” My heart raced as I heard slow, deliberate footsteps moving toward my bedroom. I locked the door, but the footsteps stopped right outside. There was a soft knock, followed by my own voice saying, “Let me in.” Then everything went quiet as if nothing had ever happened, and the message disappeared from my phone. But I know it wasn’t a dream or my imagination.

If you love to get your nerves tingled, then read another batch of stories about creepy events.


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