18 Celebs Who Look Like Totally New People Now

Celebrities are pressured into looking their best all the time and with that may come the feeling that undergoing cosmetic surgery is needed. However, a few famous women have put their foot down and decided to embrace their wrinkles. And the truth is, their beauty is radiant and, with some, it’s even hard to tell they’ve aged at all!
Meryl Streep always says that she’s against plastic surgery. Her look proves that women are like fine wine: they only get better with age.
The model admits that she tried Botox but didn’t like the result. But Brooke doesn’t want to turn to a surgeon: she’s scared that she’ll end up looking like the Joker.
Frances is against plastic surgery. She feels that getting any surgery or Botox injections is similar to wearing a mask.
Jodie Foster thinks that modern society makes women transform themselves according to fashion standards. The actress is against plastic surgery and she isn’t afraid of wrinkles.
Andie MacDowell is sure that she needs neither botox nor a facelift. She simply takes care of her skin and leads a healthy lifestyle.
The actress, together with Kate Winslet and Rachel Weisz, has founded the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League. Emma dubs Botox injections “mad.” She doesn’t recommend them to anyone.
Recently, the actress has said that she liked aging and there was nothing awful about wrinkles.
The top model takes care of her skin and works out regularly. Cindy likes microdermabrasion masks, sunscreen, and moisturizing products.
Jennifer Lopez denies having Botox injections or plastic surgery. Once, fans noticed that her forehead didn’t move, meaning that she’d had Botox. But the singer snapped, saying that it was just her face and that she had never done Botox, injectables, or surgery because she feels beautiful in her own skin.
Julianne Moore claims she doesn’t care about aging. The actress does yoga and loves cardio workouts.
Sissy Spacek has never turned to plastic surgery but says she’s not against photo retouching.
The famous actress is skeptical about Botox and plastic surgery. She says she feels sorry for women who don’t give themselves a chance to see what they’ll look like as older people. She wants her children to see the natural emotions on her face.