15 Loving Couples That Will Make You Believe in Happy Endings

3 years ago

Some people believe that love lasts no more than three years. But many loving couples prove that genuine feelings never fade, and true passion and affection blossom as the years go by. Each of the 15 couples we chose for this article prove by their own example that when you’re with the right person love has no limits.

We at Now I’ve Seen Everything know that being in a relationship isn’t always easy, and we were truly inspired by these couples who can teach us all valuable lessons.

1. “He still looks at me the same way as when we started dating 5 years ago.”

2. “Same beach in La Jolla, April 1984 vs April 2014, exactly 30 years apart.”

3. “20th wedding anniversary”

4. “Then [1985] and now. 2 kids, just as in love today as we were back then.”

5. “My wife and I on our wedding day and our 5th anniversary”

6. “Mom and dad, then vs now”

7. “50 years, then and now”

8. “Some friends of mine in 1988 and then in 2014. They’re by far the most awesome couple I know.”

9. “High school sweethearts”

10. “My parents celebrate their 40th anniversary today. Some things never change.”

11. “This June, I will marry my childhood sweetheart of 22 years. This is us in 1991 vs now.”

12. “I’m about to marry my high school sweetheart.”

13. 9 years later, they are still picture-perfect.

14. “Our 1992 wedding day photos recreated 25 years later in 2017.”

15. “My wife and I around the time we started going out, and 8 years later at our wedding.”

How about you? What do you think the secret ingredient is to a long-lasting relationship? Sound off your thoughts in the comments!

Preview photo credit wishusluck / Reddit


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