15 Odd Things People Have to Endure in Their Partners

5 hours ago

In relationships, everyone has weird habits. Maybe you talk to yourself, collect strange things, or have odd routines. A good partner learns to accept and love these quirks. It’s part of what makes love fun and unique!

  • My girlfriend has this unsettling habit of texting me things I’m doing, even when she’s not there. I’ll be sitting at my desk, and she’ll message, “Stop biting your nails,” or I’ll stretch, and her text will ping, “You always crack your neck like that.”
    At first, I thought she was just guessing, but then I started noticing how accurate she was—down to the smallest details, like when I’d touch my face or glance at the clock. One night, I asked her how she knew, and she replied, “I just know you so well...I don’t need to be there to see you.” Now, I can’t shake the feeling that maybe...she is.
  • Loses one sock. She’ll be sitting in a chair watching TV or something, and 20 minutes later one sock is gone. I’d understand if she took both of them off — Heat, Comfort, whatever. But one is just weird. © MarmosetRevolution / Reddit
  • My wife microwaves lettuce. When she eats a salad at home, she actually “warms up” the lettuce in the microwave. © pangderx / Reddit
  • She usually dresses normally, but occasionally goes through phases where she dresses like people from different eras. Whether it’s a 70s disco outfit, an 80s rock chick look, or a 1950s dress, she’ll embrace it fully.
    It’s one thing to do this for a day or so, but she’ll stick with it for 3–4 weeks straight, ordering new clothes on Amazon to complete the look and wearing the outfits for everything from grocery shopping to walking the dog. She even obsessively watches movies from that era during these phases.
    She’s been doing this for over 20 years and is quite well-known in our neighborhood for her unique style. © frogvscrab / Reddit
  • When he wakes up in the morning, he puts on all his clothes just to walk to the bathroom, where he then takes them off to have a shower. I will never understand why he does this. © Altruistic-Notice707 / Reddit
  • He lays on the floor to decompress, which isn’t too bizarre, but he chooses some unusual spots, and it occasionally scares me. Once, he was lying in the front entrance closet, petting the cat, and fell asleep. All I saw were his legs sticking out from the closet, and my first thought was that he had fallen, hurt himself, and was unconscious. But no, he was just snuggling with the cat.
    Another time, I couldn’t find him anywhere in the house and started to panic. It turned out he was lying on the back deck, on his belly, talking to the skunk that lives under the deck. This was at night, so all I could see was a man sprawled out in the dark, which scared me half to death. © smallwren7558 / Reddit
  • He has this quirky habit of finding random objects around the house and turning them into a “hat” for me.
    Fresh laundry? Hat.
    Random plushies? Hat.
    Bubble wrap? Hat.
    He’ll then make one for himself, and we take a funny picture together, which we hang on our “hat photos” wall. © brisketball23 / Reddit
  • He always needs the GPS, even though he knows the area well, and if it stops working, he oddly panics. He’s always hot no matter the temperature, which is great for warmth, but I’m constantly freezing and needing tons of layers. His doctor says he’s in perfect health and everything’s functioning well. © my-anonymity / Reddit
  • My husband sometimes talks in his sleep and even laughs like a little girl. It cracks me up, but also creeps me out at the same time! © Putyourmoneyonme80 / Reddit
  • My wife is a total neat freak, always cleaning up and putting things away. But I noticed that when she runs out of toilet paper, she just places the new roll on top of the empty one instead of replacing it. When I asked her why, she said, “It’s the one thing I let myself be lazy about.” I think it’s hilarious. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My wife says no to almost everything I ask her to do. If I ask her to bring me toilet paper because I’m out, she will say no but then proceed to bring it to me. It’s her way of practicing being able to say no. © amdabran / Reddit
  • I never thought I’d be the organized one in the relationship, but I have routines for where my stuff goes—keys on the wall by the door, sunglasses next to them, and wallet, pen, and knife on the table below.
    Her sunglasses, though? They could be anywhere. I’ve found them in the freezer, behind the toilet, even between the couch cushions. Her tiny purse with her ID and cards is the same—completely unpredictable. When it’s time to go out, she’s all rush, rush, rush, until it’s time to find her purse, sunglasses, and keys. Then we’re either standing around or hunting them down. © ArrdenGarden / Reddit
  • Eats ice. Like all the time she’s crunching down a tray of ice. It’s weird and annoying but I love her. © DSPGerm / Reddit
  • He gets super fixated on his socks, even counting them when folding laundry, and gets irritated if any go missing. Then he’ll accuse me of doing something with them—like I have any reason to mess with his socks! © GreenOnionCrusader / Reddit
  • She sleeps with her eyes open occasionally, and will also sometimes laugh like someone just told her the greatest joke ever told while sleeping. I’ve accepted my little demon. © Jewish_Keebler / Reddit

These quirks can seem strange at first, but in a strong relationship, they become part of what makes you unique. The key is accepting and embracing these weird things and little secrets because they make the relationship richer and more fun. After all, love is about accepting the whole partner — quirks and all.


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