15 Proves Life Can Trow Up Plot Twists You Were Never Expected Even In Dreams

We have all met people who are extremely arrogant at some point in our lives. It could be a pizza delivery person who spends 10 minutes blaming you for the difficulty of finding your apartment. Or a fellow passenger on public transport who says the annoying phrase, “Give me your seat, now”. And sometimes, you wonder how to keep your sanity.
“Someone was kind enough to help rearrange the books in my little library last night.”
“I am a cinema worker and have to clear up after these delightful people.... yes, sadly the boxes are still half full of soggy cereal and milk.”
“I made brownies. My fiance wanted to irritate me.”
Sometimes, we encounter situations that we wish to avoid altogether. A few minutes of dealing with rude people can ruin our mood for the whole day. Do you recall any instances when you felt so angry that you could see steam coming out of your ears?