15 Revealing Photos of Expectations Not Matching Reality

10 months ago

Ah, the joys of online shopping! You browse, you click, and eagerly wait for your package to arrive. But then, the moment of truth comes, and it’s like opening a mystery box! Sometimes, what you ordered isn’t exactly what shows up at your door. It’s a wild ride of surprises! People love sharing these funny stories on social media, and you can’t help but laugh along with them.

1. No wonder this was on such a good sale!

2. A “bucket” of candy that turned out to be much smaller than expected

3. “What we ordered vs What we got (featuring my dog)”

4. When you thought you’d be swimming in a big swimming pool.

5. This house seemed a little bigger on the property rent site.

6. Evidence that it’s much better to seek only professional help:

7. “Tried to make a unicorn cake for my daughter.”

8. Can it be that this haircut looks better from a different angle?

9. “It’s.. kinda cute though.”

10. It seems these motor boots would be perfect for working in a garden, and that’s about it.

11. At least they have the shape of rings...

12. This passenger chose a window seat but the window wasn’t there. The flight attendant found a way out.

13. “Opened a can of green beans and there were diced tomatoes inside.”

14. Remember to always read the description and check the sizes. Otherwise, you may end up with less than you thought...

15. “So I bought a Spider-Man mask on eBay, and here’s what I got.”

Ordering something you haven’t seen in person can be challenging, as many online shoppers can attest with their experiences.

Preview photo credit the_misfit_123 / Reddit


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