15 Tender Situations That Tug at Everyone’s Heartstrings

year ago

There’s nothing quite like someone’s wholesome deed or a pet’s touching action to recharge our positive energies. Whether we’re having a tough day or simply need a break from work, scrolling through social media to find endearing posts might be the solution. You just have to make sure you’re looking in the right place!

Now I’ve Seen Everything shares with you a precious images of moments that radiate pure joy and love.

1. “My son and I for Halloween. The banana gets revenge.”

2. “This was taken 10 years ago and nothing has changed.”

3. “My grandma dressed adorably in the cold at the zoo.”

4. “My grandmother dog sitting for the day. This is how we found them.”

5. “A moment I caught between my daughters”

6. “My wife enjoying herself while I spend money”

7. “I turned my grandmother’s kitchen wallpaper into a dress.”

8. “One of my favorite teaching moments was taking care of my student’s baby while she took her final.”

9. “Took the pups for a ride!”

10. “I told my dad I like Sprite yesterday. This morning I woke up to this.”

11. “My sister and her new husband fell off a swing while taking their wedding photos, it turned out to be my favourite part.”

12. “Maisey before and after hearing she’s a good girl”

13. “This birthday boy is living his best life.”

14. “Every day my parents play Mario Kart 64 to see who will make a cup of tea. They’ve done this with no fail since 2001.”

15. “Nurse Luna checking on my broken foot after surgery”

When you have a rough day, what is the one thing that makes you smile? Share it with us in the comments!

Preview photo credit Googlewhacking / Reddit


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