15 Times a Thrilling Discovery Made Someone’s Day

2 years ago

The world never fails to prove to us that it’s a never-ending box of surprises. Whether it’s a wonder of nature, a mind-boggling coincidence, or simply a one-of-a-kind object that it throws our way, it’s always an exciting experience. Folks on social media realize how special those gifts are and often share them with the online community.

Now I’ve Seen Everything picked a few fascinating findings that stunned people.

1. “I thought she was carrying a baby and then the cat turned around.”

2. “This lady was carrying a yoda cake on the metro last night, it made my day!”

3. “This huge, ancient ergonomic mouse I found at my parent’s in law. Normal mouse for scale.”

4. “This weird egg my chicken laid.”

5. “I found a $100 bill while changing my front speakers.”

6. “My egg had triplets.”

7. “I zipped my jacket to my hoodie perfectly without realizing.”

8. “The very first photo ever taken of my daughter; seconds after she was born.”

9. “My parents went to an art shop on their vacation and saw a drawing that looks like me.”

10. “My unexpected graduation gift. Thought it was one of those shirts with a fake money print on it at first.”

11. “My wife sent me a picture of this swimsuit she found for our daughter. Made my day!”

12. “My daughter mimicking my wife for the very first time.”

13. “That time a butterfly waited with me for the bus.”

14. “Saw the sunrise in this parking garage and it almost looks like a mural.”

15. “When your surgeon really loves you and makes you a heart-shaped bandage.”

Have you recently been flabbergasted by an event or news that made your face light up with joy? We’d love you to help us spread the cheer in the comments below.

Preview photo credit ericabayan / Reddit


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