16 Celebrities Who Seem to Be Winning the Fight Against Time

2 years ago

Being in the public eye can mean that a lot of pressure is applied on you in order to maintain a youthful appearance. That’s why many women choose to go under the knife in order to achieve the perfect look. However, sometimes it’s also their genes that help them look younger than their ID indicates. Whatever the explanation for each and every one of them is, we can all agree that they don’t look their age.

1. Courteney Cox

ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, Gilbert Flores/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News

2. Cindy Crawford

3. Pharrell Williams

EVERETT COLLECTION / EAST NEWS, © pharrell / Instagram

4. Jennifer Lopez

5. Angela Bassett

© Boyz n the Hood / Sony Pictures, Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/BWP Media/East News

6. Will Smith

VILLARD / SIPA / EAST NEWS, ImagePressAgency / face to face / FaceToFace / REPORTER

7. Halle Berry

8. Naomi Campbell

Dee Cercone / Everett Collection/East News, Gilbert Flores / Broadimage / Broad Image / East News

9. Meryl Streep

© Sophie's Choice / Universal Studios, Invision/Invision/East News

10. Madonna

© Dick Tracy / Touchstone Pictures and co-producers, B4859 / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

11. Jamie Foxx


12. Jane Fonda

ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, Gilbert Flores/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News

13. Elizabeth Hurley

14. Angelina Jolie

15. Gwen Stefani

16. Kate Beckinsale

Do you think that some people are more gifted genetically than others and that’s how they manage to appear younger than their actual age?

Preview photo credit ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, Gilbert Flores/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News


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