25 Pics That Instantly Made Us Feel Warm and Fuzzy

year ago

Happiness can be found anywhere, even in the most challenging times. And according to science, our social connections and relationships with people are some of the biggest factors that affect our level of contentment. But even simple things — like the smile of a loved one or personal achievements — can bring us joy too. And hopefully, these photos will remind you of all the good things around you.

1. “I was in another room and I heard my BF explaining a game to someone. But there was no one else in the apartment.”

“When I went back into the room, this is what I saw.”

2. ’’My 90-year-old grandpa is sewing the holes my dog made in her favorite toy.’’

3. ’’Paid $2 to hang out with some budgies at the zoo. I guess they liked me.’’

4. ’’I gave my dad a kidney bean for Father’s Day. It took him a second but he finally realized.’’

5. ’’My 92-year-old grandma said she’s never been to see Santa. Change of plans this Christmas.’’

6. “My daughter puts her hand on her cheek almost every time we change her diaper, and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

7. ’’My dog graduated service dog school yesterday and I couldn’t be prouder!’’

8. “38 years ago today, we said, ’I do.’”

9. ’’Graduated high school AND earned my Eagle Scout the same day!’’

10. ’’And then this happened... (almost 5 months old and taking his first step).’’

11. ’’Today is my birthday, and my boyfriend showed up this morning at 7:00 AM with homemade black forest cake from scratch.’’

12. “My son beat cancer and made it to a baseball game with me! It was one of the best moments of my life.”

13. ’’Yesterday, I informed my significant other I was completely happy. We live in a beautiful hamlet with a funny dog, we love each other passionately. I’m happy today.’’

14. ’’20 years apart! My uncle from 48 to 68, and me from 3 to 23. He was ecstatic to take this picture when we found the old one.’’

15. “My gf before and after I told her she’s the prettiest girl I know.”

16. ’’My skin has improved. Seeing this old photo next to a new one (where I’m not wearing makeup) made me so happy I had to share it.’’

17. ’’My precious grandmother celebrated birthday 105 today!’’

18. “My daughter (23) and I (43) at our college graduation. It’s never too late to go back to school!”

19. “I made matching shirts for me and my grandson.”

20. “I promised my daughter a chocolate cake if she went potty all by herself. I had to pay up.”

21. “We got a new puppy yesterday. I asked my 4-year-old to put him to bed. This is what I came back to.”

22. “Fighting Leukemia vs first hair cut, 3 years later!”

23. “My daughter falling asleep on my head, in the rain, at Disneyland.”

24. “95-year-old grandma teaching her 9-month-old great granddaughter how to walk.”

25. “I think someone has a crush on my decoration.”

Preview photo credit chiefaleaf*** / Reddit


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