Even if they’d unsettle or confuse us at first, it’s the unexpected sights that stay the longest in our memory and tickle our imagination. Whether it’s a weirdly shaped fruit, a curiously colored insect or an inexplicable object, the rarer a sight is the more special it gets. And some might even believe that there there is a subliminal message behind them and that the Universe specifically chose us to see them for a reason.
Now I’ve Seen Everything believes that every thing that stands out is a gem to be valued. We will share some objects that will make you want to rub your eyes in disbelief.
1. ’’This incredible carrot hand was found while digging juice carrots at our farm today.’’
2. ’’I was at the beach and found a shell with barnacles on it that makes it look like an anatomically correct heart.’’
3. “The most horrible flip-flops I have ever seen”
4. “25 years of life and I’ve only just discovered pink grasshoppers exist and apparently like my car.”
5. “Somewhere, there is a man who is very pleased with himself for landing that ball in the wet cement.”
6. “Chocolate-dipped pickles to make your kid quit popsicles”
8. ’’The sun reflecting off my side mirror melted a mirror-shaped hole in the frost on the window.’’
9. “My ice froze straight up.”
10. “Found this bad boy at my job, I kind of want to keep it.”
11. “A tomato has been lying on my countertop for weeks, guess some conditions were ideal for the seeds inside to sprout.”
12. “Just a tree I found on my walk”
13. “Eggsperts say odds are 11 billion to 1.”
14. “Just got my birthday gift from a friend and I’m speechless.”
15. “Got some lengthwise-cut bread from work.”
16. ’’The inside of my inflatable air mattress.’’
17. “When high voltage meets wood”
18. “Some chocolate syrup added to a glass of milk accidentally made a tiny question mark.”
19. “Bird poop shaped like the bird that pooped it”
20. ’’This egg has no yolk.’’
Would you try a chocolate-dipped pickle? Why? What’s the most eccentric recipe that you’ve ever encountered? Tell us about your personal anecdotes in the comments, we’d love to read them.