24 Pics That Will Make You Want to Scratch Your Brain For Answers

year ago

Sometimes a simple photo can turn into an eternal mystery just by total coincidence. Because when the perfect angle, the right timing and a little luck come together, we can end up taking a snap that will leave us totally speechless. Just like the photos we’ll share with you now. We challenge you to look closely and try to understand what makes them extra special.

1. ’’Lost my head.’’

2. ’’My friend’s shoes blend in with the rocks.’’

3. “I hope you boys like a lady with tiny hands.”

4. Floating cake

5. “Almost can’t see his feet.”

6. “I thought I lost the sock in the dryer again.”

7. “My rat is cute.”

8. “My phone case and my wood flooring”

9. “Always scared I’m gonna sit on her by accident.”

10. Try to find a dog.

11. “I wasted a few minutes looking for this.”

12. “My purse and this table”

13. “Couldn’t find my phone for the longest time...”

14. This one also may be hard to find.

15. This bowl lid will be very hard to find.

16. “Rate my pose.”

17. “Fuzzy butt baby”

18. “New top and duvet cover set”

19. Mission Invisible is accomplished.

20. “My freakishly giant toddler”

21. “Stepped up on the stool and lost my feet.”

22. “Didn’t know my leg had been amputated.”

23. “Took this weird photo the other day... My phone is playing tricks on me.”

24. ’’My sweet little ray of sunshine Ziggy.’’

What other popular optical illusions do you know of? Has reality ever played such tricks on you?


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