5 Celebrity Women in Age Who Chose to Be Single

9 months ago

Those fabulous older celebrity women don’t follow the usual rules. They have decided to stay single and don’t care about what society thinks. Instead of getting married, they are living life their own way, showing everyone that it’s okay to do things differently. This awesome ladies are a role model for being yourself and not letting expectations dictate your happiness.

1. Charlize Theron

Despite having two children, Theron was not married. Charlize has adopted two girls: a daughter in March 2012 and another one in July 2015.

Once, the actress openly discussed her views on marriage, expressing that she has never aspired to experience a traditional wedding ceremony. During an interview on The Howard Stern Show, she shared her perspective, stating, “I never wanted to get married. That’s never been something that’s important to me.”

“My life right now just doesn’t allow a lot of room for something like that to happen,” she added. “But in saying that, there’s not this thing that drives me to have a romantic relationship. I enjoy being set up on dates, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to live with somebody again. To be totally frank, they might have to buy the house next to me. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to deal with that ever again.”

2. Linda Evangelista

Linda Evangelista’s love life has seen its share of notable chapters. She entered the realm of matrimony at the young age of 22 in 1987 when she married Gerald Marie, a renowned French modeling agency executive, who was 15 years her senior. However, their union eventually ended.

In 2005, Linda briefly stepped into the world of high-profile romance with French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault, who was reportedly on a break with his then-girlfriend and now-wife, Salma Hayek. During this period, Linda discovered she was pregnant, and in October 2006, she welcomed the couple’s child, Agustin James Evangelista.

At 58 years old, Canadian supermodel Linda Evangelista stands firm in her decision to remain happily single. Uninterested in reentering the dating scene, Evangelista candidly shares her thoughts on romance, stating, “I don’t want to sleep with anybody anymore. I don’t want to hear somebody breathing.”

3. Whoopi Goldberg

Evan Agostini / Invision / East News

Whoopi Goldberg, 68, a well-known personality with three divorces in her history, openly shares her views on marriage and relationships. Recalling her past marriages, she expresses a sense of relief, describing moments of exuberance at the end of each union. The recurring theme of feeling glad to be free stems from a profound self-awareness — a realization that, despite inner reservations, she entered into these commitments against her true desires.

This recognition fuels her determination to move forward without dwelling on regrets. In rejecting societal expectations and embracing personal freedom, Goldberg ultimately arrives at a decisive preference: “I don’t want somebody in my house.” Whoopi’s way of thinking shows she’s committed to living life on her own terms and not following what everyone else thinks she should do.

4. Diane Keaton

Approaching love and relationships with her unique perspective, Diane Keaton humorously shares that traditional dating isn’t on her agenda, playfully noting that she can’t recall anyone formally asking her out. Reflecting on her single status, Keaton amusingly speculates that potential suitors might have found her quirks a bit much.

Despite having had relationships with notable figures like Woody Allen, Warren Beatty, and Al Pacino, Keaton embraces her single life. In her own words, she declares, “I think I’m the only one in my generation and maybe before who has been a single woman all her life.” This unconventional journey is encapsulated in her straightforward statement, highlighting Keaton’s contentment and self-assuredness, emphasizing her commitment to living life on her terms.

5. Teri Hatcher

The 59-years-old star of Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher, like her character Susan Mayer was married twice. Marcus Leithold, on June 4, 1988 — they divorced the following year. Then on May 27, 1994, she married actor Jon Tenney — they had a daughter, Emerson, born in 1997. Divorced in March 2003. Since then, Teri is single.

“There is a difference between being lonely and being alone,” said the actress. “I have been single for a very long time, but there is nothing lonely about my life. I want to remove the stigma of that.”

She also added: “Many women who get divorced will not get remarried. That kind of sounds depressing, but it doesn’t have to be. Many women are not just surviving alone, they’re thriving. They’re empowered, they’re making money, they’re being healthy, they’re traveling. You are allowed to be proud of your life when you’re not part of a couple.”

Everyone has the right to live life on their terms without feeling weighed down by societal pressure. Whether choosing to be childfree or staying unmarried, it’s essential to embrace personal choices and follow what feels right for each individual. True happiness comes from living authentically, free from expectations that don’t align with personal preferences.


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