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You must have noticed that some people have multiple kids, all or most of the them of same gender. While someone could attribute this phenomenon to luck, science isn’t letting anything to luck. There have been many researches and studies that try to find a reasoning behind this occurrence. And we have gathered some of their findings.
A research done by the University of Newcastle, looked into 1,000 men and their family trees. What they found was that men who had brothers were likely to have sons and those who had sisters were more likely to have daughters. In women though, that same correlation could not be found.
While most families have an imbalanced sex ratio, other parents can’t conceive boys or girls, and some even believe that girl or boy genes “run the family.” But researchers still haven’t found any shred of evidence that proves if some families can have only males or females because of their genes. At some point, scientists might change their opinion, but as for now, there’s no way your family’s genes can have an effect on whether you’ll have kids of only one gender.
While some people believe that a child’s gender depends on the mother because she’s the one that carries it, in reality, it’s in the father’s hands. Since sperm carries chromosomes for both genders, some spermatozoa carry X chromosomes for girls, while others carry Y chromosomes for boys. While a woman carries 2 X chromosomes, the gender of a newborn depends on which spermatozoon (X or Y) enters the female egg.
However, scientists have found some factors that might influence gender. It has been proven that after stressful times, like natural disasters, the sex ratio will change, having more newborn girls. It might be due to the stress future mothers have been exposed to.
It’s been proven that eating certain foods increases the chances of conceiving a girl. For example, cutting down on salt and eating plenty of dairy products might increase the chances of having a baby girl. On the other hand, mothers whose diets are full of food rich in sodium and potassium are more likely to give birth to boys.
If we look at the global numbers of births, for every 107 boys there are 100 girls being born every year. However, if we take each country separately, these numbers can change. For example, in China for every 118 boys, 100 girls are being born.
The speculation behind these numbers are because of the higher mortality rates in males. So, it’s like nature is trying to balance out the two genres.
Do you have kids and if so, what gender are they? Do you think that you fall in any of the categories shared above?