A Man Removed 13 Ml of Facial Fillers, Leaving Everyone Thrilled With His New Look

month ago

In 2019, David became enthralled with plastic surgeries, aiming to become the male equivalent of the Barbie doll’s Ken. After a few years, he realized he was losing his individuality and decided to dissolve the fillers in his face.

He sought a “plastic” appearance.

David Kosir embarked on a determined journey to achieve his desired appearance through cosmetic procedures, gaining recognition for his bold transformational journey. Beginning with fillers in 2019, his interest in plastic enhancement grew into a passionate pursuit. Traveling globally in pursuit of his ideal look, each procedure played a crucial role in shaping his evolving appearance.

In May 2021, a pivotal moment arrived as he underwent his first permanent procedure. Kosir’s aspiration to achieve a “human, male Barbie doll” appearance akin to Ken underscored his fascination with the “plastic, artificial” aesthetic, which he viewed as the pinnacle of beauty. His story serves as a poignant testament to the lengths people will go to actualize their desired image.

David Kosir invested a significant amount of money in cosmetic procedures.

David Kosir spared no expense in his pursuit of aesthetic enhancements, openly disclosing his substantial investment in various beauty procedures. Kosir committed $100,000 to his journey, which included expenses such as acquiring 14 milliliters of lip filler for $7,500, monthly sessions of freckle laser removal costing $1,200 each, and 10 milliliters of cheek filler amounting to $7,000, among others.

In addition to these treatments, Kosir underwent a nose job priced at $13,000 and invested $33,000 in teeth veneers and crowns. He credited his ongoing motivation to the constant stream of images depicting beautifully enhanced individuals on his social media feeds.

He admitted that he no longer identified with his appearance before surgery, which left him feeling conflicted. “When I look at old photos, I don’t recognize myself. It’s strange, it’s a mix of emotions. I don’t necessarily dislike my previous look; I can appreciate both aesthetics that I’ve had,” he explained.

At a certain juncture, Kosir decided to remove all the filler from his face.

Last year, David Kosir, known as @plasticbotchedboy online, grabbed attention with his video titled “Removed all my facial filler.” This video featured a striking before-and-after transformation and quickly went viral, accumulating an impressive 22 million views.

Viewers were captivated by the noticeable difference, flooding the comments section with admiration for the change. Comments such as “The best decision he could have made,” “Looks so much better without fillers, looked odd before,” and “You instantly look younger and more youthful!”

He also underwent additional procedures.

Following the removal of his fillers, David Kosir underwent a comprehensive series of cosmetic procedures, including cat eyes, cheek lift, lip lift, and facial fat transfer, among others. The immediate outcome of these surgeries showcased a significantly altered appearance, triggering widespread speculation and concern among viewers.

A viral video depicting his swollen post-surgery face initially raised doubts about the final outcome. However, as time passed, Kosir revealed the impressive results of his surgery, showcasing his healed and enhanced features. This remarkable transformation garnered numerous compliments from supporters, with comments like, “You know what, I was skeptical at first... but now that you’re healed, you look stunning,” flooding the feedback.

Kristin Davis, star of “Sex and the City,” recently removed fillers and delighted fans with her new appearance.


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