Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s Daughter Shiloh Files to Legally Remove “Pitt” from Her Name

4 months ago

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s eldest biological daughter, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, is legally changing her name. As she approaches her 18th birthday, Shiloh has filed the necessary paperwork, and it is reported that Brad is upset about this decision.


On May 27, Memorial Day, Shiloh celebrated her 18th birthday, a significant milestone. Reaching adulthood gave her the opportunity to assert her identity. As one of Jolie and Pitt’s three biological children, Shiloh’s decision to drop her father’s surname reflects her desire for independence.

Cyril Pecquenard/KCS/East News

On her 18th birthday, Shiloh hired and paid a lawyer to legally remove “Pitt” from her name. The alleged motivation for this decision was her estranged father’s humiliating treatment of her mother.

Fabio Mazzarella / Avalon/Photoshot/East News

Although Shiloh is the only Jolie-Pitt child to formally request the removal of her father’s surname, her siblings have made similar choices. Zahara, another of Angelina and Brad’s children, has been using “Zahara Jolie.” Recently, in a college sorority performance, she introduced herself as “Zahara Marley Jolie,” dropping the hyphenated surname. Vivienne, who assisted her mother in producing the Broadway show The Outsiders, chose to be credited as “Vivienne Jolie” rather than “Vivienne Jolie-Pitt.”

Reports suggest that Brad Pitt is “aware and upset” about the situation and the distance from his children.

As the children of Jolie-Pitt mature and navigate their individual paths, the emotional impact on their parents, especially Pitt, remains profound. Shiloh’s decision to remove “Pitt” from her name marks a significant personal moment, underscoring the ongoing emotional and relational complexities the family has faced since their well-publicized divorce.

Preview photo credit Fabio Mazzarella / Avalon/Photoshot/East News, Cyril Pecquenard/KCS/East News


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