In a time before Botox and fillers became familiar to us, and plastic surgery was not as prevalent as it is today, aging was a process guided solely by nature. Wrinkles and gray hair, in those days, were seen as inconsequential to natural beauty, as allure transcends the age stated on one’s passport. To reaffirm this timeless truth, we examined photographs of iconic movie stars from the 20th century at various stages of their lives, underscoring that beauty is boundless and flourishes with the passage of time.
Courtesy Everett Collection/ East News, Courtesy Everett Collection/ East News, Courtesy Everett Collection / East News
Rita Hayworth (ages 26 and 60)
Catherine Deneuve (ages 21, 40, and 70)
CAP/SFS/Capital Pictures/East News, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures/Collection Christophel/East News, East News
Barbara Stanwyck (ages 35 and 78)
Marlene Dietrich (ages 27, 50, and 77)
ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News, Warner Bros/Collection Christophel/East News, Bayerischer Rundfunk / Leguan Film Berlin/Collection Christophel / East News
Fashion and beauty trends evolve rapidly, and the appearance of contemporary celebrities diverges from the aesthetic of vintage cinema. It’s captivating to imagine how the timeless beauties of classic Hollywood would present themselves if they were in their prime during the present era.