I Secretly Sold My Stepdaughter’s Cat and Couldn’t Believe What Followed Immediately

4 months ago

We received a letter from our reader Naomi. She has found herself in a difficult situation: she and her husband got together, each with a daughter from a previous marriage. While one girl needed a cat for comfort, the other was afraid of it. This situation led to a conflict that now threatens their marriage.

Here is Naomi’s letter:

you were so far wrong you'll never figure it out !!!!! You and your daughter need therapy, not sympathy !!!!


We decided to gather our readers’ opinions, and the majority sided with Naomi’s husband.

  • What is so unforgivable is that you sold a child’s support mechanism without giving her a thought because you put your child’s fear before your stepdaughters grief instead of working with your daughter’s fear. YOU moved into that house and immediately started to dominate the household. If I was your husband, I wouldn’t be able to forgive that you gave HIS daughter no thought or consideration! © Mel James / Facebook
  • You totally deserved what you got. It was one cat, you could have tried to work around it, who knows maybe eventually your daughter would have gotten over her fear. Your stepdaughter and her cat were there before you came into the picture and the cat was her therapy animal, you had no right to do that. © Tracy T Boodhai / Facebook
  • Let me get this straight. You married a man and moved in with him, knowing his daughter has a beloved cat; also knowing your daughter is for some unexplained reason terrified of cats? Talk about the classic cruelty of step-mothers... You need to move out and get a divorce. That man and his daughter deserve so much better than you. And so does your daughter. © Veronica Shriver / Facebook
  • It was an emotional support pet. Which you clearly knew was given, to her when her mother passed. Divorce. © No’emi Briseño Muñiz / Facebook
  • Stepmom acted very terribly. Father did as well, poor girl who lost her support animal. Dad should get rid of stepmom and her daughter. Why was her daughter more important than his child? The children should have been equally considered. If someone did something like what stepmom did to my child she would have no relationship left and would be on the street because I would not be able to trust her with my child. © Anne Wilson / Facebook
  • If I were the dad in this situation, I’d leave you. Nobody wants to be with a selfish person who is clueless about children’s needs. You need to get help for your daughter’s phobia, not enable it. And therapy for yourself so you can make better decisions and learn how to be a decent human being. © Rowena Manning / Facebook

Raising your own children is no easy task, but building relationships and raising stepchildren is twice as challenging. Take a look at these celebrity parents who have managed to make it work.


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What are you doing about your mental health issue - or is that you are just plain nasty - the cat was clearly part of step daughters support system in managing grief If I was her Dad I would divorce you for the damage you have done - You could have discussed the issue but decided not to


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