I Was Humiliated by What Other Parents Asked Me When I Was in Pool with My Kid

5 days ago

A simple day can take an unexpected turn when you least expect it. One mom, during a swim class, found herself caught in a situation filled with judgment. What started as a lighthearted activity soon spiraled into a moment of discomfort and insecurity, leaving her uncertain about going back to the class.

One of our readers shared a story with us.

Thank you for reaching out to us! We’re sorry this happened, and we’d like to offer some tips that might help.

Here are some advices.

  • Choose a swimsuit that makes you feel good. Wear whatever makes you comfortable, whether it’s a two-piece, tankini, or one-piece. Don’t let others’ opinions change your choice. Confidence is key.
  • Talk to the instructor. If you’re unsure about what happened, discuss it with the instructor or management. They should create a welcoming space for everyone, and the child’s reaction may not have been about you at all.
  • Explore other classes. If you feel uncomfortable in that class, look for other options that might be more welcoming for you and your child.
  • Seek support from loved ones. Stretch marks are natural, and you shouldn’t feel the need to hide them. Bring a supportive friend or family member with you for extra comfort.
  • Talk to your child. Explain how you’re feeling and use it as an opportunity to teach them about body positivity and handling unfair judgments.

Being a parent is tough, and every mom and dad has their own way of raising kids. Some parents share their journey on social media, giving a glimpse into their lives. Celebrities like Hilary Duff go even further, showing everything from everyday parenting moments to the experience of childbirth.

Preview photo credit freepik / Freepik


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