Jennifer Love Hewitt Put Her Career on the Back Burner and Chose to Be a Mother to Many Children

9 months ago

Jennifer Love Hewitt became a worldwide sensation at a young age. She captivated the attention of millions and found herself on lists of the most attractive women. However, the actress chose her most significant role: that of a wife and mother. She has been happily married for over 10 years now, prioritizing her family life over her career.

Jennifer became a screen star at quite a young age. In a 2010 interview, she said she had always wanted a family and children. But she didn’t have to wait long. Soon, she met her future husband — Brian Hallisay. Prior to his acting career, he worked as an investment banker on Wall Street. But he decided to pursue his long-standing dream and try acting. They met while working on the TV series Love Bites. But they realized they were meant for each other during the making of the TV series The Client List in 2012.

In the same year, the actress went through some difficult times when her mother passed away. But Jennifer was not alone in this tragedy; Brian supported her in every way. Close friends of the couple said that the depth and seriousness of their feelings were evident. By June 2013, the couple confirmed that they were engaged and expecting their first child.

They got married the same year, 5 days before having a child. This is why the actress wore the only dress that fit her. The ceremony was simple, and the loving couple didn’t need anything more. Soon, their daughter Autumn James was born.

Oh, he just loves me. He chooses me every day, He’s really kind. He takes care of our kids when I can’t. He’s the best. I honestly couldn’t be luckier.

In 2 years, Jennifer gave birth to a brother for Autumn, whom they named Atticus. According to Jennifer, before the children were born, love was just a beautiful word for her, something that is shown in movies and on TV and something she sometimes felt for her husband. But it was the children who revealed the true power of love to the actress. Furthermore, even in her work, she became more sincere and authentic.

It wasn’t easy for Jennifer to find balance between family and career, but she tried very hard. It’s important for her to set a good example for her children. And the kids are thrilled with their mom’s work. On set, Jen misses the little ones a lot, so she sometimes takes them with her. The actress enjoys watching the children and remembers the importance of spending time together.

In 2018-2019, Jennifer found herself on the same set with Brian again. The actress played Maddie, the heroine of the TV series 9-1-1 while Halsey played Maddie’s despotic ex-husband. Their on-screen story was full of cruelty and drama, but in reality, Brian was the complete opposite of his character.

Many viewers were surprised when they learned that Jennifer and Brian are married in real life. After all, the relationships they portrayed on screen evoked disgust and fear from audiences. People exclaimed, “‘I’m so confused. The guy who played your abusive husband on TV is your real-life husband?’” However, the couple shares such a deep bond that even such roles can’t tarnish their relationship.

It was just lovely to be able to go to work together, for our kids to be able to see us go to work together... and it was fun to see him love [playing that part] so much and really have fun. I was really proud of him.

Jennifer shared a significant episode from her family life. Once, they were sitting together in front of the TV and there was an advertisement for pregnancy tests. Atticus then said they should buy one just in case there was a baby in mommy’s tummy. Jen laughed and said it was pretty crude, especially since she had just finished a big dinner. However, this conversation turned out to be prophetic.

In 2021, the star shared wonderful news with her fans — she and her husband were expecting their third child. They had thought about it before, but didn’t expect it to happen during such challenging times. However, they were already raising 2 very special children and were thrilled to be adding another little one to their family. In September 2021, little Aiden was born.

The actress shared that Brian always supported her during childbirth and was very helpful. She even joked that he could have easily become a doula. “During labor, he’s like a rock, solid. You would never know if he was panicked, or worried or stressed or anything — he’s just really good.”

The only quirk of her husband that Jennifer mentioned was that he constantly eats something in the delivery room. But she found it endearing.“Usually in my hospital bag it is like an outfit for me and outfit for the baby, and then snacks for Brian!”

While Jennifer is currently focused on her family, she remains a public figure whose every move is scrutinized by millions. Some even openly discuss and criticize her appearance, but the actress knows how to put rude individuals in their place.


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