Kelly Clarkson Speaks Out on the Cruel Remark Her Ex-Husband Made About Her Body and a Weight-Loss Journey

8 months ago

Following seven years of marriage, Kelly Clarkson and her husband decided to part ways. The divorce proceedings became increasingly tumultuous, with Kelly opening up about a hurtful comment her husband made regarding her body and describing how she coped with it. Observant fans have also taken note of the American Idol winner’s apparent weight loss, prompting the singer to share the secrets behind her transformation.

A bitter divorce culminates in Kelly’s legal triumph.

In a legal triumph that resonated within celebrity circles, Kelly Clarkson achieved a significant victory against Brandon Blackstock. Their seven-year marriage, which concluded in 2020, exposed allegations of Brandon inappropriately securing contracts on Kelly’s behalf. While overseeing her professional career during their marriage, he delved into procuring deals for The Voice, The Kelly Clarkson Show, Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL), Wayfair, and the Billboard Music Awards.

He was instructed to reimburse a substantial $2,641,374 in commissions to her. A bitter custody dispute ensued over their children, nine-year-old River Rose and seven-year-old Remington “Remy” Alexander. The ownership of their shared Montana ranch was also a point of contention. Eventually, the couple reached an agreement for joint custody of their two children.

Her then-husband also made a remark about her body.

Kelly shared with her then-husband and manager, Brandon, her desire to join The Voice’s panel. She disclosed that she had expressed this aspiration to him for years, but he dissuaded her. He conveyed that the executives sought someone sexy, like Rihanna, suggesting they wouldn’t be interested in her. Furthermore, he mentioned that the executives aimed for diversity, asserting that she bore too much similarity to Blake Shelton.

Kelly eventually joined The Voice years later, but her husband’s comment lingered. Reflecting on the incident, she remarked, “... a wife doesn’t forget a time she gets told she’s not a sex symbol, so that stays.”

Kelly started to focus on herself.

Apart from the legal proceedings, Kelly Clarkson provided a glimpse into her impressive weight loss journey. Adopting a healthier lifestyle, she attributes her transformation to modifications in diet and exercise. The singer, currently living in New York City, acknowledges walking in the city as a major workout. Exploring wellness activities such as infrared saunas and cold plunges, Clarkson underscores her dedication to holistic health.

Regarding her diet, the singer emphasizes that she doesn’t follow anything extreme. Clarkson elaborates on her dietary preferences, highlighting a well-balanced mix with a focus on protein. Recognizing her Texas roots and love for meat, she playfully apologizes to vegetarians.

Beyond diet and exercise, Kelly attributes her weight loss to her doctor. She discloses that she began heeding her doctor’s advice, which ultimately contributed to her successful weight loss. Kelly has faced challenges with weight loss in the past, dealing with thyroid and autoimmune conditions that hindered her progress. However, she implemented a tailored diet that specifically addressed those issues.

Her empowering perspective on body image.

Clarkson’s journey in Hollywood hasn’t been without its share of body image commentary. The original “American Idol” opens up about industry pressures and how she gained her coaching role on The Voice after embracing her authentic self. In a poignant statement, she stresses the importance of artists challenging societal norms, asserting that personality and authenticity should triumph over superficial expectations.

“I got on the No. 1 television show at my heaviest point, because it was right after I had kids, and it was like they didn’t care...It had nothing to do with my sex appeal or my look aesthetically. It had to do with me as a person. I think it’s really up to artists to force people to have that mentality.”

We’re convinced Kelly Clarkson is peerless, both before her divorce and transformation and after. Besides, you have to give the star credit for always being as honest as possible with the public. For example, the singer and TV presenter recently opened up about her “gross” shower habits, sparking a heated debate.


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