My MIL Kicked Me Out of the House Because I Refused To Wash Her Clothes

6 months ago

We received a letter from a young woman who recently became a wife and mother. However, this happy period is overshadowed by financial problems, forcing the young family to live with her parents-in-law. Our reader’s relationship with her mother-in-law has been strained from the start.

This is Rain’s letter

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Rain! We have some advice that we hope will be helpful for you.

Talk to your husband.

Choose a calm day and a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Try to speak calmly, without unnecessary emotions or accusations. It’s possible that your husband doesn’t fully understand the seriousness of the situation. Try to convey your feelings and concerns to him.

Seek help from a psychologist.

Your situation is quite complicated, as it involves not only you and your husband but also your mother-in-law. A psychologist can likely help you find a way out. They can advise you on how to reach a compromise with your mother-in-law and maintain your relationship with your husband.

Consider rental housing options.

Since your marriage is at risk, it might be worth taking extreme measures to save it. Explore the rental market and consult with a lawyer. You might be able to afford some temporary housing to move away from your mother-in-law. Your financial situation might suffer, but you’ll be able to preserve your family and get back on your feet when the child grows up a bit.

Consider moving in with your parents.

Your husband might be open to the idea of leaving his mother and living with your parents. After all, you did the same for him. It would be easier for you during the early stages of raising your child. Later, you could afford your own place.

Indeed, relationships with mothers-in-law don’t always go smoothly. Here is the story of another woman whose mother-in-law cut her 14-year-old granddaughter’s hair without asking.

Preview photo credit Timmy Jarrell / Pexels


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