My Mom Lied to Our Family About Me for Years, but Karma Finally Caught Up with Her at a Family Gathering

7 months ago

Our connections with our mothers aren’t always characterized by smoothness and affection. Some individuals can’t claim to have a genuinely loving and nurturing mother, and our featured individual today is one of them. She shared her mildly infuriating story about her relationship with her mother on Reddit. Fortunately, all the unpleasant actions of her mother came back to her when she least anticipated it.

A woman turned to Reddit to express her feelings about her mother.

A woman recently shared a story on one of the Reddit communities that elicited a variety of emotions from many users. She began her post by expressing that her mother has consistently been a negative force in her life, describing her as, «She was literally cancer the 21 years I lived at home.»

Continuing her narrative, the woman delved into the complexities of her relationship with her mother, the person who gave her life. She wrote, «She made my life hell, and because of her I ended up so depressed and stressed out a lot, I was a bit overweight, and she always made fun of me for it. I could never hold down a job when I was younger, because of self-esteem issues and my depression, but I was constantly called lazy.»

Then a significant event occurred in the woman’s life, bringing her a sense of liberation. She shared, «At the age of 21 I moved out, I stayed with friends, worked on my mental and physical health and for myself a decent job.»

Her self-esteem has also greatly improved. She expresses, «I feel amazing now, four years later I have a great friend circle and a boyfriend who fully supports me in any way.»

The woman discovered her mother’s toxic behavior and couldn’t contain her emotions.

The woman continues with her story, stating, «I have been in no contact with my mom for the last four years and some family I don’t talk to either, one of the reasons why is because they always took my mom’s side and believed her, because she made me out to be this demon child, but she had no idea how I could be as horrible as I was.»

The OP shares a strong bond with certain family members who supported her. She revealed, «I only speak to my grandparents, who witnessed some things she did to me months before I moved, and cut her off, plus they didn’t want to get into any drama in the family anyway. And a cousin who, being a witness to this when we were younger, was someone who I also stayed in contact with.»

The woman expresses that her mom’s lies were utterly absurd. She wrote, «Throughout those four years mom continued to lie about me, I kept putting on weight, I had no job, I was homeless, I tried breaking into her home multiple times, I had offended her, so forth.»

One day, during a family gathering, tensions escalated.

The woman continues her story, mentioning that recently, there was a family event that turned out to be significant for her and a valuable lesson for her mother. She wrote, «But just last month my grandfather reached out and told me that he had heard what my mom had been saying, and told me that they were doing a virtual family reunion in January, I should join in and prove everyone wrong.»

She adds, «My cousin also told me to sit somewhere in my house where my boyfriend would be, because apparently I still couldn’t get a boyfriend.»

The big day arrived, and the woman recalls it with a mix of emotions. She wrote, «I was 5 minutes late on purpose, and the look on people’s face was hilarious, that’s when people started questioning my mom, and my mom ignored every question, and made up the excuse that I’d had some ’work’ done.»

The confrontation began immediately. The woman recalls, «That’s when I said no, this has been me for three years, all the news you were getting on me, was from the woman, who, like a lot of you I haven’t spoken to you in years, this woman lied, she has degraded me my whole life, and still does it, because that’s all she can do with her life.»

And there was a significant «surprise» waiting for the woman’s mother at the end.

The woman continues, saying, «That’s when my boyfriend walked into the kitchen, and everyone freaked out even more when I told them he was my boyfriend. He gave a friendly wave in the background, and my mom literally had a death stare going on.»

She revealed, «People started questioning my mom again, she didn’t answer anyone, and then said, ’I don’t need to answer anyone’, before she left on her end.»

The lesson was a painful one for the mother. The woman explained, «Later on I found out from my cousin who heard from her mom, that my mom had a full on meltdown, because I had the audacity to sit in there, and be all smug, and how I should have stayed away because now there are problems within the family, and it’s my fault. But this only comes back to her being embarrassed and being called out on her lies.»

Meanwhile, one of our readers shared with us that her mom had been lying about her real father, and the revealed truth turned the woman’s life into a nightmare.


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