My Mother-in-Law Took My Gift and Wants Me to Leave Her House

3 months ago

Our reader Rose wrote to us, sharing her experience with mother-in-law issues—something many young women face. She and her husband live with his parents because they can’t afford their own place yet, and here’s what happened.

Here’s her letter:

Here’s what our readers think about this situation.

  • That’s awful, living every day with that level of stress. Not only are you harming your own nerves, but your relationship with your husband might also suffer. Eventually, you’ll start arguing over this. Move out as soon as possible—even if it’s a small rented apartment, it’s better to live separately from your mother-in-law. © Lucy Hems / Facebook
  • I would prefer one room, in order not stay with mother-in-law. My mother-in-law was very sweet, but I prefer to be alone with my husband. © Christa Afifi / Facebook
  • Better to respect yourself and leave her place to enjoy your life alone. © Salma Hafez / Facebook
  • Let your mother know what has happened to your birthday present from her and see what happens next. I know what I would do if it was my daughter! © Dawn Kathleen / Facebook
  • If you are living in someone else’s space and are not wanted, you should move. Find an affordable place and make do. © Shirley Nowinski / Facebook
  • Tell your Mum about the bracelet being taken as Payment, get her to bring a copy of the receipt when she comes to visit you. Invite your mother to your in-law’s house and get your MUM TO ASK FOR IT BACK in front of witnesses FIL and your husband, when MIL gets upset, your Mum shows a copy of the receipt and mentions loudly, she has proof of purchase and the police like evidence of ownership, it does really well in COURT with the judge. © Gaye Green / Facebook

Here’s the story of another woman whose mother-in-law hurt her daughter’s feelings. Find out more about what happened here.

Preview photo credit Moose Photos / Pexels


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