The Girl Was Shocked When She Discovered the Real Meaning of Her Tattoo

3 hours ago

Before getting a tattoo, people usually research its meaning, as they’ll be wearing it for life. However, there are times when tattoos are done on impulse. That’s exactly what happened to this girl, who got a tattoo and only later discovered its true meaning.

While on holiday in Fiji, TikToker Amy Dickinson decided to get a tattoo. One of the most crucial rules when getting inked in a foreign language is always to know what the tattoo says before committing. This left Amy in tears and scrambling to understand the meaning of the words now permanently etched on her skin.

In a tearful video posted to her followers, Amy explained her dilemma and pleaded for help in understanding her new tattoo. She sobbed, "Now I’ve got a tattoo, and I don’t even know what it means."

The tattoo, which reads “Matanivola Levu,” was placed on her upper thigh, an area mostly hidden from public view. However, the mystery behind the meaning left her increasingly anxious. She even flipped the camera to reveal the ink to her audience, asking desperately, “What does this even mean?”

Amy admitted that her spontaneous nature led her to make this decision without fully understanding the consequences. She acknowledged in a follow-up video that it was somewhat reckless, referring to the act of getting a tattoo in a foreign language as “so brat-coded,” a term she used to describe her impulsiveness.

Soon, helpful followers came to her aid, offering translations for the cryptic Fijian phrase. One user pointed out that “Matanivola Levu” translates to “capital letter” in English. Another follower added with amusement, “It says ‘capital letters,’ but it’s all in lowercase… Brilliant!”

While the literal meaning seemed somewhat trivial, others suggested a more philosophical interpretation. One commenter shared that “Big Book” in Fijian can be interpreted as a metaphor for someone with many stories to tell, symbolizing a life full of adventures. This interpretation, though comforting, did little to ease Amy's initial shock.

Despite the attempts to find humor in the situation, some TikTok users questioned whether the tattoo was real at all. Amy addressed these doubts in another video, where she revealed the ink once more and confirmed that it was permanent.

Some commenters encouraged the girl not to worry too much, pointing out that a little spontaneity in life doesn't hurt, "Ok this isn't horrid tho ❤️it's still very cutesy, very charming. Fun story and not gross or rude."

A few even shared personal stories from their own experiences, "My bestie and I came home with love tatts on our neck a lost Mimco watch and 1 earring not long ago. I'm 48 with 2 kids, haha."

Here’s another story: a woman took to TikTok to complain about the quality of a jacket, and the company responded right away. Their reply was so remarkable, that it quickly became legendary.

Preview photo credit amzdicko / TikTok, amzdicko / TikTok


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