We Imagined What These 13 Masterpieces Would Look Like Today

year ago

Portraits have fascinated humanity for centuries and maybe it’s because they are an intersection between portrait, biography and history. And some of the most famous and loved paintings to have even been made feature a close look at someone’s face. We can’t help but wonder though, what these faces would look like in our day and age. That’s why we did our best to reimagine them in the modern era.

1. Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat

2. Mona Lisa

3. Nefertiti

4. The Milkmaid

5. Girl with a Pearl Earring

6. Queen Elizabeth I

7. Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer I

8. Isaac Newton

9. Hermann von Wedigh III

10. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

11. The Scream

12. Michelangelo

13. American Gothic


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