What Our Favorite ’90s Celebrity Crushes Look Like Today

day ago

Although the '90s are long gone, many movies and TV series from that era remain fresh in our memories, as if we watched them just yesterday. However, seeing our favorite actors today quickly reminds us of just how much time has passed.

Tim Robbins

Andrew Keegan

Sarah Michelle Gellar

© Buffy the Vampire Slayer / 20th Century Fox Television, Anthony Carrel / Starface/STARFACE PHOTO /East News

Ryan Phillippe

© Cruel Intentions / Columbia Pictures Corporation, Billy Bennight/AdMedia/SIPA/Sipa Press/East News

Julia Stiles

Jason Priestley

FOX/BROADCASTING CO. / Album/EAST NEWS, Lionel Guericolas/MPP/Starface/STARFACE PHOTO /East News

Melissa Joan Hart

Skeet Ulrich

© Scream / Dimension Films, CJ Rivera/Invision/East News

Heather Graham

David Hasselhoff

EAST NEWS, Niviere David/ABACAPRESS.COM/Abaca/East News

Heather Locklear

© Melrose Place / Darren Star Productions, Coleman-Rayner/Coleman Rayner/East News

Matt LeBlanc

© Friends / Warner Bros. Television, Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

Ashley Judd

Image supplied by Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS, Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press/East News

Devon Sawa

If you're a fan of '80s and '90s movies and are curious about the actors and actresses from that era and how their lives have unfolded, this article is sure to captivate you.


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