20+ Amazing Cartoon Transformations of Our Favorite Actors

year ago

In addition to kids, there are also adults who like to watch animated movies and shows. In fact, more than 60% of adults ages 18-39 enjoy watching Cartoon Network. Knowing this, we couldn’t help but wonder what celebrities would look like if they were animated characters.

1. Sam Smith

Justin Ng/Avalon/Photoshot/East News

2. Jenna Ortega

SamPayne@Broadimage/Broad Image/East News

3. Leonardo DiCaprio

Invision/Invision/East News

4. Kate Winslet

Gregorio Binuya/Everett Collection/East News

5. Jennifer Lopez

Birdie Thompson/SIPA/EAST NEWS

6. Miley Cyrus

Joseph Gotfriedy/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News

7. Ed Sheeran

Invision/Invision/East News

8. Beyoncé

face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER/East News

9. Dwayne Johnson

CJ Rivera/Everett Collection/East News

10. Kim Kardashian

Evan Agostini/Invision/East News

11. Chris Hemsworth

Invision/Invision/East News

12. Millie Bobby Brown

Kristin Callahan/Everett Collection/East News

13. Ashley Graham

Patricia Schlein/STAR MAX/IPx/Associated Press/East News

14. Sylvester Stallone

Cristiano Minichiello/AGF/SIPA/SIPA/East News

15. Anya Taylor-Joy

Invision/Invision/East News

16. Tom Cruise


17. Rihanna

Laurent VU/SIPA/SIPA/East News

18. Selena Gomez

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

19. Jennifer Aniston

Carlos Piaggio/The Grosby Group/Grosby Group/East News

20. Zoe Saldaña

Jordan Strauss/Invision/East News

21. Keanu Reeves

Jack Shea/Starshots/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News, © CC0 1.0, © Stable Diffusion

We also adore Keanu, just like you do. But as it turns out, there were many things we didn’t know about his biography. Here are 10 interesting facts that once again confirm how wonderful of a person he is.

Preview photo credit Kristin Callahan/Everett Collection/East News, Jack Shea/Starshots/Broadimage/Broad Image/East News, CC0 1.0, Stable Diffusion


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